Example sentences of "the [noun sg] and [pers pn] [be] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 He did it on the guitar and you were simply found a few words and
2 That was because P C firearm , his revolver was still in the holster because he was carrying the shield and it was only as er I started to move forward that P C er came up to the the doorway to cover me whilst I went forward .
3 A local man offers to ferry me across the fjord and I am soon on the way to Holt .
4 I do n't know if you remember but ages ago , round about October time she borrowed some stuff for the Brownies , for erm , for Sian , Sian was going camping and she had n't got shorts or anything , so she borrowed it off me , I was thinking of Stacey starting , I wanted the t I 'm not bothered about the shorts , but I want the T-shirt and I 'm just gon na get Stacey the culottes and she can wear her shorts and the cardigan with it buy , when she first starts and then we could , Deana 's moving up to Guides this , so she can have that sweatshirt of er , I mean they 're nine pound
5 Samuel Hitching stated that he examined the Coffin carefully and that it had two canvas patches on where there were decayed places in the Wood — he also measured the thickness of the Board and they were only 5/8 of an inch at top and ½ an inch thick at the bottom — the lid was also warped that they could not screw it down properly-One of the bearers also stated that he was afraid it would fall in pieces before they got to the Church with it .
6 Although lacking the intrinsic relevance of " mouth area " ( used by Smith , 1981 , for winkles ) or of " apical angle " and " whorl ratio " ( employed by Kitching , 1976 ; 1977 ; Cambridge and Kitching , 1982 ) this ratio is less affected by the absolute size , thickness , age or condition of the shell and it is undeniably easier to record in the field .
7 But there is some strain on the heart and it is rather large and it is n't working so well .
8 I , you know I do n't mind , I enjoy handicraft but I find I 'm out Monday playing darts , I 'm out Tuesday doing handicraft and I look after a little boy who 's got Cerebral Palsy four mornings a week and comes three in the afternoon and it 's quite a lot .
9 The rules and regulations are there , we have the money and we 're actually told where we can spend it .
10 He alleged that the private sector had received 80 per cent of the money and it was here that loans had failed to be repaid .
11 You may feel at the end of the day that you need to hear from the officer of the case and he is still present obviously in case the court wishes
12 My parents lived in the big house and I built a studio and had a whole little place where I could live in the basement and it was very convenient , so David would come round there . ’
13 In Couturier v. Hastie , the House of Lords said it was a matter of construing the contract and it was only after doing so , that their Lordships held that the buyer had not agreed to buy a spes and that the contract was therefore void .
14 Then the bonger had struck the hour and it was only three bongs , and my feet were numb with cold , the Bibles had been kicked askew .
15 Firstly HILDA LODGE whom you met before when she became our Vice Chairman in 1981 has now changed her hat to become the Chairman and she is already busy in her new role , well supported by the Executive Committee which now has four new members following the elections of earlier this year — so please meet : —
16 But there has been endless comment by members of the Labour Party leadership as well as others about the outcome of the election and it is still going on .
17 Frederick ate his meals with Mr Evans in the parlour and they were both fond of meat , liking it juicy and rare .
18 We 're just like , the other day I was doing the washing-up and I was just like , stripping off with my outer layers
19 ‘ There is only one window in the kitchen and it was previously furnished in oak which made it very dark .
20 I tell you our night really told you One night I was standing , we were getting ready to go out to do a show and I was ironing in the kitchen and it were about six o'clock at night and all of a sudden Rudy come flying at me like this all over me , I thought Christ not this time of bleeding night !
21 Even so , Artemis had no time to relax or to shout at whoever it was still charging up beside her to slow down because the hill was beginning to flatten out into the dip and they were fast approaching the big open ditch .
22 She 's a student at Dundee University and has had some brilliant fund raising ideas amongst her friends at the University and she 's here sitting in the front row .
23 A small amount of the Clay Pack is combined through the hair and it is then left to dry completely before rinsing .
24 There are two sides of the story and it 's pretty evenly balanced …
25 We rewrote the story and it was duly published .
26 But then , Bella 's home-help came out of the bungalow and it was no use any more trying to pretend that it was n't happening … .
27 By this time I 'm like the ice-man and he 's still at boiling-point .
28 The board has been manoeuvred into the broad reaching position by pushing and pulling on the rig and we are now about to start .
29 You 've got me on the touhgest part of the course and I 'm quite out of breath .
30 There was plenty of room on the course and it was relatively easy to lengthen it enough to test the professionals .
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