Example sentences of "the [noun sg] of [num] [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 The group fell apart in the spring of 1990 when the Balts began to stay away from the ‘ foreign ’ Soviet parliament , while Russia 's democrats squabbled among themselves .
2 The final nail in Laker 's coffin came in the winter of 1981 when the big transatlantic carriers , including British Airways , cut their fares to match Laker 's .
3 Although the break was a nasty one , McCracken came back successfully at the beginning of 1921–22 when the Palace made their debut in Division Two and he played more games for us in that division than anyone else during our four year tenure there 1921–25 .
4 The cathedral was begun by Russian architects in 1471 but part of the building collapsed in the earthquake of 1472 so the work was handed over to an Italian architect and engineer , Aristotele Fioravanti from Bologna .
5 Hence the normality of 42 when the dogs referred to are of opposite sexes can not be used as evidence against the existence of two senses of dog , since it can be fully accounted for by claiming that only the general sense is operative .
6 In the spring of 1802 there was another phase of mutually influenced poetic production ; Wordsworth wrote over thirty important poems at this time , and though Coleridge had already announced — in March 1801 — that ‘ The poet is dead in me ’ , he was able to contribute the main theme of the dialogue , which is , put simply , what happens to ‘ young Romantic poets ’ after the age of thirty when the visionary period of youth comes to an end .
7 Constant tugs of war between birth and adoptive parents would destroy the stability of the most rational child , who is presently adequately protected by the right to see birth parents at the age of 18 when the necessary information is available .
8 All Home Improvement Loan borrowers who are resident in the UK , in employment and who will be under the age of 65 when the loan expires are eligible .
9 The weakness caused by the bifurcated character of the Alliance was demonstrated in the autumn of 1986 when the separate Liberal and SDP Conferences passed incompatible resolutions on defence policy : the split damaged the Alliance rating in the opinion polls .
10 The Department of Energy sprang a surprise in the autumn of 1989 when the paper it produced for the ‘ responses ’ group of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change suggested that , with more efficient use of energy , Britain could cut its consumption ( and hence carbon dioxide ) by 60 per cent by 2005 or 2020 .
11 Inchoate anger seethed on in the Weald until it exploded in the autumn of 1645 when the ‘ Clubmen ’ appeared , basically a ‘ confederacy with the vulgar multitude ’ of tenant farmers .
12 From the summer of 1869 onwards the process was carried forward by a combination of the Emperor 's will and by its own momentum .
13 They related to the constitutional arrangements which existed between 1974 and the end of 1986 whereby the General Council of the Bar had become part of the new Senate of the Inns of Court of the Bar and had ceased to exist as a separate entity , although the constitution of the Senate contained provisions designed to ensure that the Bar Council would remain an autonomous body for the purpose of its separate powers and functions .
14 What is important is to explore these possibilities with the students and to use the example to illustrate the difficulty of the latter method if we try to apply it at the end of 1989 when the costs to completion are uncertain .
15 The French President and some other EC governments believe the new system should be ready for operation by the end of 1992 when the single barrier and frontier free European market is due to be completed .
16 By the end of 1978 when the new Powick replacement units were opened in the Worcester and Kidderminster areas , 343 patients remained in Powick .
17 It became the permanent home of the German race with the exception of 1959 when the race was staged at Avus , and 1970 when Hockenheim was used for the first time .
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