Example sentences of "the [noun sg] because [art] [noun sg] is " in BNC.

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1 Football merely provides the opportunity because a match is taking place but if they we if the football matches were n't taking place those criminal acts would be committed in another context .
2 They rely on day length to trigger the shedding because the process is a complex one .
3 We would argue that this does not give a clear explanation of the decision because the judgment is an after-the-event rationalization of the decision and does not necessarily give the real reasons for it .
4 And low and behold you ca n't even get back into the kitchen because the kitchen is full of deadly fumes from the burning fat or er fat or oil within the chip pan .
5 It seems reasonable to take this as a good approximation of output per head for the chain of suppliers to the industry because the chain is very diversified and includes a wide range of UK economic activities .
6 The current can jump across the gap because the tip is so close .
7 They have come up to London to see the Queen because a relative is to receive an honour .
8 Any swing will be increased by the inertia of the glider because the mass is behind the wheel , trying to move on in a steady direction .
9 I will have to risk the accusation because the point is too important : for both black and white American writers , in a wholly racialised society , there is no escape from racially inflected language , and the work writers do to unhobble the imagination from the demands of that language is complicated , interesting , and definitive .
10 Yes , the chicken and egg syndrome is interesting because and I agree it is a viscious circle , but in fact you do n't make new omelettes unless you do break some eggs , and I think the time has come to break some eggs and I think that 's what I 'm advocating is that it will come from the teacher because the teacher is the guiding light of what happens in the classroom , and if the teacher has it in the back of their mind there will be no science , then there will be no science .
11 Yes , the chicken and egg syndrome is interesting because and I agree it is a vicious circle , but in fact you do n't make new omelettes unless you do break some eggs , and I think the time has come to break some eggs and I think that 's what I 'm advocating is that it will come from the teacher because the teacher is the guiding light of what happens in the classroom , and if the teacher has it in the back of their mind there will be no science , then there will be no science .
12 There was also , at least initially , an understandable reluctance to pursue the matter by some members of the community because the tannery is a large employer in an area of consistently high unemployment .
13 Well I will answer that er holds no stock of the product because the product is er the the current products are sold by us exclusively .
14 Writing has the effect of distancing the speaker from the hearer ; what is said need not be suited to the requirements of the listener because the listener is absent .
15 Defences dare not lean one way or the other because the invasion is symmetrical .
16 But it 's too simplistic to pretend that one way is better than the other because the comparison is n't between like and like .
17 If the Althusserian mode of production is made up of differential times and histories , ‘ a complex ‘ intersection ’ of the different times , rhythms , turnovers , etc. ’ , then each element can not express the whole because the whole is only accessible as a concept , which is precisely not expressed at all .
18 In many cases we are virtually being asked to accept the evidence because the writer is putting it to us in a very skilful , persuasive way .
19 Barclay reveals that Johannesburg was chosen for the build-up because the altitude is similar to Kenya and the players have been there before , though Ireland , if they are also accepted into the AMC , will restrict their build-up to a week in Kenya before the tournament .
20 On the other , just wait a moment and we 'll come to the other side of the argument because the argument is carefully and evenly balanced .
21 I hate bathing her in the sink because the kitchen is draughty , especially since a chunk of the wall fell out a few weeks ago . ’
22 However , in other circumstances , people also choose to claim membership of one group rather than another for specific purposes — from the trivial ( jumping the queue because the shopkeeper is from the same village ) to the momentous .
23 But if you do n't have to contact the inland revenue , because you do n't need to prove the will because the estate is too small then you do n't have to tell him about the jointly owned property .
24 Rather when Carla comes back Monday you 've got to tape the with a bit of wood the window just outside the door because the bolt is on the same side .
25 Hambleton planners opposed the scheme because the Sundial is in the middle of the town 's industrial belt and considered unsuitable .
26 Even in the best years for agriculture , people have been leaving the land because the trend is towards larger units , maximising productivity and getting the best out of the work force .
27 You will be tense at the audition because a lot is at stake , but if you trust to your own natural resources , the degree of panic can be reduced .
28 Or that you ca n't use ‘ person with a physical impairment ’ all the time because the phrase is too long !
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