Example sentences of "the [noun sg] as a [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I think the defence as a whole unit has played tremendously well over the hols .
2 Finally , Neville Marten , how dare you dismiss the guitar as a mere machine ?
3 This defence of housework is all the more necessary because housework passes unmentioned in the predominant stereotype of the housewife as a leisured homemaker .
4 A man of action all his life , David went into the Army in the RAMC as a young man and later trained as a State Registered Nurse in a civilian hospital .
5 Our concern about police investigations was sparked off by the realisation that the trial is not an adequate tool for testing their reliability , which in turn disqualifies the trial as a verifying test .
6 On 13 October 1988 an order was made by Master Munrow directing the trial as a preliminary issue of certain questions arising out of the plaintiffs ' notice of objection .
7 However , I feel sure he will be generous enough to regard the award as a general honour for them all .
8 They saw their relationship with the board as a two-way process , taking advice and ideas from a meeting as well as to it .
9 CGI , which has 13.3% of Computer Horizons , and is regarded by the board as a hostile shareholder , argues that the company 's plans make it extremely difficult and expensive for another company to acquire Computer Horizons , and must be eliminated to make management accountable and maximise shareholder value .
10 There was one condition he had n't mentioned — he wanted a seat on the Board as a non-executive director , in line with his standard policy when putting a significant amount into a company .
11 Mr D J Smith jointed the board as a non-executive director in 1987 .
12 Reading between the lines , the tribunal may have suspected that the employer was merely using the sentence as a convenient excuse for getting rid of a man whose record was not unblemished .
13 It means , for instance , that learning to write is , in part , a process of coming to understand the nature of the sentence as a linguistic unit .
14 The Swastika as a decorative design on a wall tapestry ( India ) .
15 This is incorrect ; the Swastika as a magical symbol suggests an indicated direction ( forward or reverse ) by the angle at which the ‘ arms ’ and not the ‘ tails ’ point .
16 The Swastika as a Vedic image finds expression in the magical ritual worship or ‘ sacrifice ’ known as Yagna .
17 Taking stock afterwards Waterman — for one — was counting the afternoon as a turning point .
18 In accordance with the terms of the contract , you can choose to retire at any time after the age of 60 , when the policy will buy you a regular pension plus the option of taking part of the money as a tax-tree lump sum .
19 Indeed such is the number and effect of these abrogations of privilege that in the view of the editors of the latest edition of Cross on Evidence , 7th ed. ( 1990 ) , p. 427 , this should give pause for thought on the part of anyone who regards the privilege as a fundamental principle of English law .
20 ’ I would respectfully accept that the order was justified under paragraph ( a ) but would regard the case as a classic example of the sort of case for which paragraph ( b ) was designed .
21 The mother of one of the teenage victims said that ‘ although many Press reports had treated the case as a racial attack , the court had not taken that attitude and she felt that was correct ’ .
22 An RUC detective told the Magistrates Court that when arrested , Caldwell replied ‘ no ’ to all the charges and the police officer said that they regarded the case as a domestic matter .
23 All other forms of reference should be cited in the text as a personal communication , manuscript submitted or in preparation .
24 FIVE weeks before taking the field as a first-class county , Durham unveiled another major sponsor yesterday .
25 This chapter picks up on the development of the FAOR methodology , examining the concluding phase where all the main components , including the SSM , were tested in the field as a final trial of the package as a whole .
26 The strategy which envisages the computer as a sophisticated delivery system for information similar in fundamental respects to the library , is ideal for undergraduates .
27 The concept ca n't be created on paper first and then loaded into the computer as a completed work .
28 Analysts suggested that Celli 's announcement was intended to counter the May 11 claim by opposition deputies and AD dissidents that they had collected more than 100 signatures from congressmen in favour of reducing the current term of President Carlos Andres Pérez and that of the legislature by one year ( to four years ) , and also in favour of the use of the referendum as a permanent formula to guarantee the public 's participation in political affairs .
29 Or one could treat the hypothesis as a provisional truth-claim .
30 It was held that , because the car was referred to in the contract as a new car , this was an express term and since the exclusion clause sought to exclude liability for implied terms only , the defendants were liable .
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