Example sentences of "the [noun sg] that they should [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Would my right hon. Friend care to come to the county town of Lancaster to see how outstandingly well our schools , under local management , are spending their money now that they have been freed from an extravagant county council which never had the right priorities and always deprived our schools of the money that they should have had ?
2 About half of the people detained under Immigration Act powers in general do not wish to challenge the decision that they should leave but they need help winding up their affairs here , contacting their friends and families and pressing the Home Office to process their cases quickly so that they do not have to spend unnecessarily long periods in prison .
3 In trying to find answers , managers — whether they were heads or governors — were caught between the need to make progress and to prepare for broad changes which had been widely publicized by central government and to prepare for the necessity that they should lead changes .
4 The Doctor waved to the poet that they should follow him .
5 Will she send out a message to those who oppose smoking and belong to the brigade who say , ’ Do as I say and as I instruct you , ’ to the effect that they should leave ordinary people to get on with the job of smoking and supporting the economy ?
6 BRITISH diplomats and contract workers appeared determined to stay in Libya last night despite warnings from mullahs and the mob that they should leave for their own safety .
7 When he urged the pieds noirs to give up integration , when he ordered the army to remain loyal , when he appealed to the FLN to lay down their arms and negotiate , he evoked not just the powers and responsibilities of his office but the confidence that they should have in the person of himself , General de Gaulle .
8 They distinguished between a child who has special educational needs , and a child who has special educational needs which are such that the LEA may be of the opinion that they should determine the special educational provision that should be made for him — in the words of Nicholls LJ , ‘ not special needs simpliciter , but special needs that satisfy a further condition ’ .
9 Where students esteem that there is better provision to be found in , for example , a local Tertiary College , they will vote with their feet and the argument that they should remain in a Catholic Sixth Form , solely because it is Catholic , holds little sway .
10 According to a recent report from the market research company Mintel , customer perceptions of quality in products and service have more to do with their expectation that companies should get it right first time than with the belief that they should provide a safety net to protect consumers once things have gone wrong .
11 Accordingly , the subjects should get more ‘ choosy ’ with higher values of a or lower values of k , in the sense that they should have higher reservation values .
12 This is one of the reasons why we are saying to the government that they should consider what our competitor countries do , which is some form of temporary credit management ; some form of temporary credit controls to squeeze off this surge in demand before it really gets going and pushes inflation up again .
13 Having seduced over one million new users to OS/2 2.0 with the implication that they should adopt Database Manager with it — it actually came bundled in OS/2 Extended Edition — IBM Corp is planning to replace the database with the one it is developing for AIX , according to Computerworld .
14 Inherent in some of the criticism made of ACAS conciliators … is the assumption that they should take a more positive , rights-enforcing , stance .
15 Yet it should be remembered that the school-leaving age was not actually raised until after the Second World War and that the suggestion that they should receive secondary education was tainted by the official assumption that the children of the working class were innately less intelligent than their middle-class brethren .
16 On the question of the government 's proposals I 'm entirely opposed to the er the idea that they should wash their hands of their er , obligations er , the nineteen sixty eight act as as a number of members know er , gave it as they are the duty of a local authority to acquire some sites for gypsies some local authorities er , obeyed that and er they actually provide the sites , like Harlow , other authorities just ignored it !
17 The last thing I would want to have to sell to my constituents is the idea that they should go into that bloody mess and be shot at by the bandits on both sides .
18 That is totally inconsistent with the idea that they should charge some nationally calculated prices .
19 But despite bitter disagreements Field convinced the company that they should try again .
20 Even before the change , many of the policies , by the time they had been through the rather over-bureaucratic structures , became distorted and did not benefit the peasants to the extent that they should have done .
21 It will take a while , I 'm afraid , but I 'll do everything I can to persuade the family that they should meet you . ’
22 The Commissioners for the Improvement of the Town of Bedford proposed to the directors of the House that they should sweep and clean the carriage and foot pavements in the town for £26.5s. per annum .
23 Since Mao they 've definitely taken the view that they should stabilize their population numbers as soon as possible , and they now have the most restrictive policies in relation to families , deferral of marriage , penalties for those couples that in the towns have more than one child erm and this is leading to a dramatic reduction in crude birthrate .
24 Peattie and some others were converted to the view that they should build more 120MW sets in 1952 , but Shakeshaft and Pask remained attached to a conservative mix of 30MW and 60MW units , with only a cautious experimentation with larger sets .
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