Example sentences of "the [noun sg] he [vb mod] n't [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 Despite his tuggings with the wrench he could n't get the screw to shift .
2 The dog was watering the delphiniums and I was on my knees and elbows , bottom in the air , trying to push the ashtray in from a different angle , in the hope he would n't notice it , when the garden gate creaked open — it was the postman .
3 ‘ When Chelsea signed me Ian Porterfield told me that if I got in the side he would n't drop me so I want to make up for lost time . ’
4 Christo in that car in the dark he ca n't work late , I ca n't get you over there in that car .
5 Against the wind he ca n't get any er meat behind the clearance .
6 If I have the heat up very high in the bedroom he ca n't sleep .
7 It was n't the hard work he minded , he liked work , he liked long hours , he did n't want to slack off : it was the anxiety he could n't stand .
8 A red biplane from Crowfield had taken off and gone into a loop when he came out of the loop he could n't pull the plane level and he crashed into a field .
9 On the spur of the moment he could n't think of another Christian name .
10 At the moment he could n't say more than that , but he was thinking about it .
11 If a road sweeper kills the king he ca n't expect to get the same gratuity as a general .
12 I mean obviously on the whole he ca n't guarantee what sort of priest we 're going to get , but the whole meeting was quite positive .
13 Even as Philip pushed the boy to the ground he could n't believe it was him that was doing it .
14 We 'll go out for a drive probably out an hour , whereas years ago the horse used to come out the stable at seven in the morning he would n't go back till probably five at night .
15 Did the salary make it the offer he could n't refuse ?
16 Both places had latches and as long as I got ten yards ' start on him , I could slam the door shut and slip my half clothes-peg under the latch — I always carried a half clothes-peg for the purpose — and no matter how much he blasphemed and kicked at the door he could n't get in .
17 The man he would n't have a use for is now lending a hand . ’
18 Well , go on , do n't stop there , I 'm sure the rest is just as fascinating — presumably that , yes , you knew Ryan , but when you flew over to find out why the hell he could n't get something so simple as planning permission you decided to do something about it yourself , and there was gullible little Hilary , all ready and waiting to fall into your arms .
19 But once the fighting begins , with Falstaff in shameless prose ( the soliloquy describing how he has led his ‘ ragamuffins where they are pepper 'd ’ ) , Hal enters in the heroic medium and rebukes him for his idleness ( the cowardice he ca n't see , as we can ) : ‘ What , standst thou idle here ?
20 He ca n't go , that 's the reason he ca n't go you see but he 's going
21 If Alex James just ran up and down the pitch a couple of times and said , ‘ Right , that 's my lot for today ’ , Whittaker knew the reason he could n't do any more was because his legs were covered in bruises , as they frequently were .
22 For the , you know the reason he could n't move .
23 There had to be somebody around , although from the state of the path he would n't have laid any bets on it being a gardener .
24 He could n't go on the corkscrew he could n't go up on the ship he could n't go on anything .
25 I should have known from the way he could n't finish off this simple word that , a few days later , they would part .
26 When he was inside the house , Culley noticed the characteristic he would n't have guessed at .
27 ‘ But if there is any doubt about him by the weekend he wo n't run . ’
28 ‘ I believe we loved each other , but when it came to the crunch he could n't leave the priesthood . ’
29 He could n't go on the corkscrew he could n't go up on the ship he could n't go on anything .
30 We must have looked pathetic because the man paused , looking at us , then he turned to Dad and said if Dad promised to call at the office he would n't report the matter .
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