Example sentences of "the [noun sg] and i [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ If by the other , my lady , you refer to the regard the prince and I have for each other , pray be assured it is not pain I feel — but joy , deep joy .
2 ‘ As your commanding officer , I 'm the senior member of the Board and I speak for the others .
3 Unless they 're delegated t to do so within the contract and I rely on you to make sure that whoever is delegated to issue
4 Erm , erm , apart from the meeting last week the last , last month , er one of our mem one of our members noticed that erm we had n't got a delegate to age concern and she volunteered , that 's a Mrs would you like to okay that cos the Chairman and I speaking to her thought well this was a good idea and I have forwarded her name to age concern who 've contact her .
5 We 've just got to learn from the experience and I said to my players afterwards ‘ welcome to European football ’ . ’
6 I mean normally I do n't bother with the tokens , I mean I Anyway I paid the cheque and I said to Peter I said oh by the way what about me tokens for me for me toy I said if I get a free one of them I can give it to give it to the grandchildren .
7 Well , let me tell you , you 'll know which one it is in a second — I went back , obviously years later , and I was having my beer and I finally had to go to the loo and I went into the ladies ' room and there was a big sign saying ‘ Elizabeth Taylor sat here ’ .
8 The Corporal and I shouted at the Sergeant to step on it , as the explosions were getting closer .
9 As the Dutchwoman and I waited for the musicians to gather themselves up she commented on the sea symbols of fish and anchor in the nave .
10 and go and I tack up the horse and I get on the horse and everything and I do n't mean to say
11 I do n't believe John , that that was the intent of the resolution , I 'm certain of that , that is the effect and I think in the interests of everybody , I 'd ask you on behalf of the C E C to withdraw that motion .
12 On another occasion , she wrote : ‘ We were in the bedroom and I said to mother : ‘ What is that ? ’ , referring to an overmantel mirror .
13 Moely was swimming after the boat and I shouted to him :
14 Alastair waved from the window and I collapsed into the compartment excited and laughing .
15 What surprises me is I went into the lab and I said to Sharon you know , er I said we 've still got
16 about analysis or me giving them the dream and I have to sort of like get out for myself what
17 At the last , slightly shorter if I remember , it had been a 3- or a 4-iron for the second shot and I thought back to 1958 and the fourth at Lytham , But this rime the boss and I agreed on the 3-iron .
18 I do think the discussion so far and the contribution from Mr and Mr is unfairly er at this stage erm prejudicing a proper assessment of er er er a for a new settlement all the way round Greater York including the Southwest and I return to a comment I made before the break , that dualling for example of the outer bypass of the York ring road which is programmed and is , will dramatically change may well dramatically change the perception erm erm of people to the to the west of the Greater York area in respect of the area to the north east .
19 As I left the room I seemed to be in a school and I saw many children in the hall and I seemed to be late for a class .
20 Melissa unfolded it and strapped the twins in when we reached the village and I parked in the pub car park , as instructed by Carol .
21 actually it was erm I forget what it was when me mother-in-law died and she used to moan about the shop and I said to Christine the time she goes down and back I mean things are dear in , but some of the things in the shop now , and then , are cheaper than down the town , so if you take your , your bus
22 The robot and I went into the computer room but Hee-Haw stayed outside .
23 Reluctantly Elfed left the room and I said to Cis , ‘ Ritchie is your son much more than your brother , and I know how much you love each other .
24 Johann left the room and I looked at Sapt .
25 But given I I believe in the product and I believe in myself
26 Well it should be in the file and I asked for this and keep it before me when a scheme is set up , A we have a map which I must have sent out letters ,
27 ‘ Once the Verey pistol ‘ ad been fired Lieutenant Makepeace led the charge and I went over the top after ‘ im followed by the rest of my section .
28 Members of the jury , it is clear that there is more here than meets the eye and I call on you to reach the only verdict that matches the evidence ;
29 That summer I could only think he was mad as he set off around the town and I dozed in the dark heat and stillness of the garden .
30 I wanted to go to Scotland and I remember I came to say goodbye to my parents and that was in the evening and I went by train to Liverpool Street and it was pouring with rain and I had to make my way , I had a taxi across to Euston , you see , and er and I went up th the left side of the country , see , past Carlisle and and then across and across and then and to Greenock er er to Dunoon , you see .
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