Example sentences of "the [noun sg] and [adv prt] of the " in BNC.

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1 When I was quite certain that she was totally relaxed and comfortable , I brought her out of the regression and out of the hypnotic state .
2 He turned just as the kettle began to boil , and , the tea forgotten , he strode from the kitchen and out of the flat .
3 The Achilles ' tendon which had been bothering him for weeks finally gave out amid a sympathetic cheer and a great forward ambled to the sideline and out of the match with an hour gone .
4 The residents of Monte Samana were just beginning to stir , and the smell of strong Spanish coffee wafted from open windows and balconies as she drove along the flower-edged lanes of the complex and out of the main gate towards the village .
5 I would n't change a thing on this guitar ; the nut height and the overall action is fine and , most surprising of all , this is a factory setup , straight off the boat and out of the box .
6 I saluted then watched him as he barged along the corridor and out of the front door .
7 I shall have the prefects chase you down the corridor and out of the front-door with hockey-sticks !
8 She picked up her bag and led the way along the hall and out of the front door .
9 We believe that , in that way , Britain can pull itself out of the slump and out of the recession into better times economically .
10 Nellie and I tiptoed quietly back down the aisle and out of the door .
11 After a long time , the music started to play again and Cousin Jane and Mike walked back down the aisle and out of the church and everyone followed them into the sunny afternoon .
12 She walked slowly from the school , across the playground and out of the gates into Latimer Road .
13 Both events attracted large crowds who queued right around the shop and out of the door ; at both events the couple were cheered and clapped as they arrived and presented with ‘ bouquets of flowers and soft toys wearing yellow ribbons ’ .
14 The next afternoon , Matilda managed to get a rather sooty and grumpy parrot down from the chimney and out of the house without being seen .
15 He moved across the room and out of the door without a glance at Gwen .
16 Gently hold the disc in place on the surface of a grid by means of a strong eyelash mounted to the end of a thin wooden ( orange ) stick , and pick up the disc by bringing the grid up under the disc and out of the water .
17 When the tap is turned on , cold water ( usually from the mains ) is allowed into the bottom of the heater , thus forcing hot water out of the top and out of the nozzle outlet or the hot tap .
18 And he turned and moved across the dais and out of the studio , followed by his cohort of technicians and production assistants , who thumped him on the back and shouted their own compliments into his receptive ears .
19 Flying insects keep close to the ground and out of the wind , haunting sheltered valleys and lees of hills , seeking direct sunlight as much as possible .
20 Finn dashed through the work-room and out of the door , returning carrying an elaborate gilded throne made of cardboard .
21 They walked down the pathway and out of the gate , Sammy leading , Tom striding after him and Willie running to keep up with them .
22 Without waiting for Philip who was still securing the wire he ran across the yard and out of the gate .
23 But as he did the wind caught at him even more mightily than before ; there was the sense of commotion and movement in the air and out of the darkness behind him came a terrible crack , a heave and a bang and whoosh such as he had never heard in his life .
24 Something 's trying to get in ! ’ and I rocketed up in the air and out of the water .
25 They strode down the drive and out of the gate and , once through the village , struck out for the Heights , as the long sea meadows between Cramer and Dunstanburgh were inappropriately called .
26 Safely over the other side of the gate and out of the farm precincts , he ran up the hill towards the quarry .
27 The smoke is directed across the food and out of the smokehouse .
28 Almost all aquatic plants with floating leaves dislike turbulent water or a continuous fine spray on their foliage , so any moving-water feature that is envisaged should be considered for one end of the pool and out of the direct line of choice plants like waterlilies .
29 They do n't even go to the train place — they go the other way , and up the driveway and out of the station .
30 We drove down the tarmac and out of the airport gates .
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