Example sentences of "the [noun sg] will be at [noun] " in BNC.

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1 On the one hand , if no explanation is given , the creditor will be at risk that the surety 's misunderstanding , or the debtor 's misrepresentation will render the security unenforceable in equity .
2 The talk will be at Darlington College of Technology , Cleveland Avenue , 7.45 .
3 It reckons a year from now the industry will be at $4,000 .
4 The first Diocesan Day will be held at St Catherine 's School Hall , in Penrith , on Saturday , April 17th and the second will be at Canterbury Hall , Preston , on Saturday , May 1st , both from 10am until 4pm ( a creche will be made available if notification is given a week in advance ) .
5 The conference will be at Regent 's College , London , on June 3 .
6 It is likely that the funeral will be at times when the cemeteries or crematoria are not busy , such as early in the morning .
7 Without such warranties , the purchaser will be at risk of liabilities arising out of matters which have not been disclosed .
8 The plaintiff will be at risk as to costs , if the court regards the actuarial evidence as unnecessary .
9 … This means in practice that one out of every twenty samples will fail to comply with the standard and the Authority will be at risk from somebody , some member of the public , prosecuting . ’
10 Now the NZRFU has agreed with the Australian request that the Cup will be at stake whenever the two countries play a test , so the Cup could change hands three times during the coming All Black tour of Australia .
11 The final will be at Cantell School , Southampton .
12 The qualifying matches and the final will be at Bromley .
13 If the person consents to their doctor giving a medical report on them , the doctor will be at liberty to disclose information which otherwise would be confidential .
14 The date is on the twenty eighth of March and the location will be at Hall and it will be it does n't give a time but it will be an evening meeting .
15 One of the biggest Central South crowds of the weekend will be at Kingsholm tomorrow … what a match Gloucester against the old enemy Bath
16 The biggest Central South crowd of the weekend will be at Blenheim Palace … for the big horse show … that 's where we start our action roundup
17 The expansion will be at HSC 's site in Geleen , the Netherlands , and HSC president , Winfried Vermijs , said in a recent statement , ‘ Even though our expanded facility will only be on-line late in 1993 , we believe the availability of a credible , alternative supplier of aspartame will lead to more uniform prices worldwide in the course of 1992 ’ .
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