Example sentences of "the [noun sg] [vb pp] to be [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Is the fallacy bound to be present whenever anyone says anything at all of the sort ‘ good is … ’ , meaning to offer a definition ?
2 Is the contractor entitled to be relieved of responsibility on the basis that if the variation was going to be made in any event at that time , to have been further advanced in the contract programme would only have made it more expensive for the client ?
3 Charlton immediately came under fire , his decision to withdraw Brady from the fray seen to be cavalier and grossly insensitive .
4 The process thought to be responsible is broadly analogous to sea-floor spreading along mid-oceanic ridges .
5 A test refinement ( coordinates not subsequently used ) , with non-crystallographic symmetry restraints switched off , indicates the accuracy of the atomic positions to be 0.3 ( by analysis of the 81% of the molecule considered to be unperturbed by crystal packing forces ; Table 1 ) .
6 This was the man alleged to be leading rituals involving island children .
7 It was n't a dirty game but there were dozens of irritating fouls , several feuds and Jackson was booked for returning the ball to the referee with what the official deemed to be undue vigour .
8 Scientists then take these unfinished , inexact hypotheses and present them to other scientists for the express purpose of seeing if the hypothesis will not in fact be shot full of holes , hoping almost that it will be so shot , because Knowledge and Truth are thereby served , if only negatively , in having one more tenuous , groping hypothesis about the nature of the world shown to be false .
9 A second footprint ( footprint I ) was observed between deletions Δ71 and Δ72 ( nucleotides -495 to -527 ) , in the region known to be necessary for maintaining transcriptional strength .
10 When we last surveyed the audit fees of the FT-SE 100 constituents ( see ACCOUNTANCY , November 1991 , p 12 ) , total audit fees rose by just over 2% , as compared with a much more buoyant 11% — although at the time considered to be modest — the year before ( see ACCOUNTANCY , November 1990 , p 14 ) .
11 Is the client entitled to be relieved of responsibility on the basis that the contractor would have been late anyway ?
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