Example sentences of "the [noun sg] [pers pn] do [adv] have " in BNC.

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1 If that is the case you do n't have to complete and inland revenue account .
2 Under the Yasa I do n't have to discuss the subject with anyone other than the Kha-Khan . ’
3 Just smells I like wild birds because that 's the animal I like best because they are in the wild you do n't have to cage them but you have the pleasure of them being free , what ?
4 one or two members who are resident in St Albans did ask me about their position on item two St Albans Transport Study er the advice that I gave them was that unless they er did which is likely to be affected by any identifiable schemes in the study they do not have a need to declare either a pecuniary or a non-pecuniary interest .
5 ‘ This is the mail I do n't have time to open , ’ he says .
6 Admitted in the south we do n't have sufficient .
7 at the moment they do n't have anywhere to play .
8 At the moment I do n't have sufficient faith in our central defence to feel comfortable about losing the defensive midfielder .
9 ‘ For the moment I do n't have much choice .
10 I would love to play at Molineux , but at the moment I do n't have even a slight hope .
11 Visualize the body I do n't have , and see this : a sentimentalized foetus , with faithful smile .
12 the group you do n't have to be an expert on something to contribute to the group .
13 I do n't know yet , I just said to Christy what time will you be in in the morning I do n't have time yet , in case if I have I can ask you .
14 Because of their position in the class-structure they do not have access to useful connections which , as we have seen , are so valuable in Latin America .
15 From the air I do n't have that problem but , curiously , when I 've been shooting on the ground in China I 've relished the people everywhere .
16 Almost any litt I mean you could do anything round the edge you do n't have
17 ‘ When you 're on the road you do n't have to think about anything .
18 The reason I do n't have a band is that for the longest time I 've been disgusted with the mode that the American independent scene operates in and I do n't want to be associated with that .
19 However — given some perception along the way we do n't have to go right back to the beginning again .
20 I hope that I have redressed the balance regarding the usual effect of freeze branding and by the way I do n't have a financial interest in either system so my view is unbiased .
21 But most of the time you do n't have exercise .
22 Plus the fact you do n't have a n er contact name so it 's going to be more difficult to get connected to anyone .
23 and we can just poddle him along to everything we do , just , I mean it 's , you know we can do things in the garden , we can do things round the house we do n't have to lay out anything special do we ?
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