Example sentences of "the [noun sg] [prep] the [noun] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The intimacy of the Stuart brothers with George III was much disliked by the House of Commons .
2 If the government could acquire broad discretionary powers under the Defence of the Realm Acts 1914–18 to deal with the emergency could not also a socialist government to meet the peacetime emergencies of poverty and sickness ?
3 The House of Lords held , in effect , that since the applicant was arguing that he had a contractual right under his lease to remain at the lower rent , he was asserting private law rights and so could raise the defence in the possession proceedings in the County Court and did not have to raise it by means of an AJR .
4 Uproar on Jan. 2 followed the revelation that the Minister for Law and Justice , Subramanian Swamy , had threatened the arrest of the Speaker , Rabi Ray , unless he accepted a High Court decision and extended indefinitely the deadline for the response of the JD(S) members to the disqualification proceedings .
5 The response of the rebel movements to these concessions was , however , to intensify their offensives and by December fighting had reached the streets of the capital .
6 Ms Barclay said she had been greatly encouraged by the response of the off-licence owners , who would be distributing drinks measures leaflets and beer mats .
7 For practical purposes , therefore , ‘ pollution ’ is something which normally requires some action on the part of the enforcement officer and is defined not by legal rules but by the response of the enforcement authorities .
8 The response of the security forces was first to bring in police .
9 Hon. Members should not doubt , either , the response of the security forces and the Government to that level of violence .
10 The response of the security forces to the peaceful demonstrations had been generally restrained , but on July 23 , following several unsuccessful attempts by the opposition to take over government buildings and install its " ministers " in office , Ratsiraka declared a state of emergency , including a night-time curfew , and issued warrants for the arrest of opposition leaders .
11 The response to the Bell proposals was positive .
12 The response to the CBSO concerts was luke warm so I decided to postpone booking tickets until later in the year — let me know if you 'd be interested .
13 General manager Michael Prendergast said he was amazed at the response to the job vacancies .
14 Chichester , with a population approaching 2,000 , also had its substantial merchants , yet its wealth was matched by that of the prosperous farming community of the coastal strip and the South Downs , despite £5,850 coming yearly into the city from all corners of Sussex as the income of the cathedral dignitaries ; almost certainly the moveable wealth of the clerical establishment was proportionately every bit as high as in Exeter , where it equalled one-sixth of aggregate lay wealth .
15 But the task was increasingly beyond them , as social surveys showed the inability of the welfare services to cope with the specific needs of the aged , the disabled , and one-parent families .
16 The stumbling block here does seem to be the inability of the Charity Commissioners themselves to keep up with the volume of work .
17 It was ultimately the inability of the access streets to cope with a hugely increased traffic problem which choked the markets to death in the 1960s and led to their demolition .
18 Disney had considered closing the park during the Winter months but instead they 're offering a whole package of cut price deals .
19 The inevitable lunch followed , since this is the opportunity for the PR executives heavily to plug the project to the assembled journalists ; and to the City boys such as myself and the various stockbrokers ' analysts so that we will continue to rate the company as a ‘ buy ’ .
20 Observers believed that Alia was taking the opportunity of the embassy sit-ins to strengthen the hand of the reformers in the party and government .
21 The audit certificate which is attached to the majority of the Appropriation Accounts says :
22 The majority of the law lords seemed to regard the interests of the state as coterminous with the interests of the government of the day ; executive-minded comments to that effect have lingered on in the textbooks ever since , an unwanted legal legacy from this period of popular protest .
23 The majority of the test items require a child to respond to a question or an instruction by pointing to , or manipulating , a variety of household objects and models .
24 It was eventually spurred into action when the majority of the member states began to take unilateral action to control imports of coal into their own territories , so obviating the whole object of the common market since the new controls also applied to imports from other ECSC states .
25 In the Ukrainian Supreme Soviet election , in which there were on average almost seven candidates for each of the 450 seats , Rukh won the majority of the Kiev seats , but its leaders claimed that it had performed badly in most rural areas because of obstruction and electoral malpractice by officials .
26 The majority of the building regulations have little or no impact on the financial potential of a site , with one or two notable exceptions .
27 The majority of the camp followers were however , good honest women who were the wives and sweethearts of the troops .
28 The site is shaped like a truncated wedge and Pearson placed the majority of the school buildings along its east and north sides .
29 Following the general election in April 1989 the Arab Baath Socialist Party holds the majority of the Assembly seats , the remainder being distributed among members of the state-sponsored National Progressive Patriotic Front ( NPPF ) [ see p. 36601 ] .
30 As a matter of interest on the raffle side , David , is it basically the two pound fifty person that buys the majority of the raffle tickets ?
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