Example sentences of "the [noun sg] [prep] a [noun] with " in BNC.

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1 He did , however , acknowledge that it would be neither responsible nor sensible to ignore the existence of the Action Committee , and he offered them the opportunity of a meeting with representatives of the council .
2 National Semiconductor turned down the opportunity of an interview with Central South .
3 Serve the remainder as a starter with eight of the croûtons and the cheese .
4 It is the base of a tree with its root projections intact .
5 The Countess jabbed her walking cane in the direction of a girl with bright gold ringlets and eyes as radiant as sapphires .
6 by a central Government of the Protectorate as a whole with no part of the country dominating any other part but all working together for the good of the whole Protectorate and the progress of its people .
7 In the present proceedings , as counsel has pointed out , the respondent 's chances of purging his contempt at an early stage were not high , even if he had been properly informed of his right to make the attempt , but that is to confuse the existence of a right with its strength .
8 However , I will not , as McDowell comes too near doing , assimilate the recognition of the existence of a value with the being appropriately drawn to it .
9 The first and third cases both involve individuals who had recently experienced the break-up of a relationship with a partner .
10 Certain of his actions — including misleading the board over a transaction with Peter de Savary concerning a property development at Canvey and then concluding it without board approval — amounted to breaches of his fiduciary duty to Blue Arrow , the report says .
11 The Gas Street Canal Basin is the terminus of the Birmingham and the Worcester and Birmingham canals , hidden near the centre of the city and the heart of a network with more miles of canal than Venice .
12 In the case of a patient with a very high level , say 9 , that would bring it down to 7 but then the level will probably remain static .
13 The Act assumes that , in the case of a company with the share capital , becoming a shareholder is the same as becoming a member .
14 In addition to showing the name and address of every member and the date on which he was registered as a member or ceased to be a member , in the case of a company with a share capital the register must also state the number and class of shares ( or amount of stock ) held by him and the amount paid-up on each share .
15 The statement of individual educational need in the case of a child with severe limitation or blindness should give an indication of levels of indoor and outdoor mobility and whether individual mobility instruction will be needed in order to cope with the ordinary school environment .
16 This is particularly so in the case of a recogniser with a very general grammar .
17 It was then revealed that the two brothers had been on the brink of a merger with a hotel group , a highly respectable one with over fifty good solid hotels in the provinces .
18 Some database software come " content for pupils to use as a source of information e.g. QUES1 as books come in a variety of formats so does computer soft " Viewdata software such as COMMUNITEL , with pages down from Frestel , comes closest to the description of a book with and page numbers .
19 In the fifties it was very run-down and it was possible to buy the glory of a house with a painted ceiling and good stucco if you were prepared to do without the luxury of heating and hot water .
20 He had the look of a man with a nasty temper if you got on his wrong side .
21 Preliminary characterisation suggests that the gene product resembles a cell adhesion molecule and may therefore regulate the interaction of a cell with its environment .
22 It is a term used by doctors , psychologists and — increasingly — employers to describe the tension arising from the interaction of an individual with his or her environment .
23 It keeps the university on a par with a small shoe shop 's statement that : ‘ Management does n't accept responsibility . ’
24 ICL Plc aims to bridge the gap between personal computers and dumb terminals with its new network terminal , ErgoClient , for client-server computing , which acts as a half-way house and is claimed to be the only product capable of filling a gap in the market by combining the price-performance of a terminal with the flexibility of a personal computer .
25 As he does that , he is able to point out the way that Jesus is their liberator , from the limitations of being in such a net , to the freedom of a fish with a whole ocean to enjoy .
26 Suddenly he said : ‘ Rot him ! ’ and flung the toy into a corner with great force .
27 On the second sortie he made no mistakes and shot up the route like a man with a mission .
28 In the end it was found mortally wounded near the reservoir , apparently the loser of an argument with a bunch of domestic stegs .
29 A horse van was left unattended by the driver in an area with three schools .
30 Er from the necessity in an area with no public transport
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