Example sentences of "the [noun sg] [is] not [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 If left too long in a situation of abandonment , the split is not healed and comes to be used as a predominant defence , as it did with Clive and Rose Greenacre .
2 The decision is not taken until all are in agreement .
3 The experience is not forgotten but is stored in memory .
4 I do n't think I need to say anything further on the Council 's erm position on the new settlement erm or reiterate Hambledon 's earlier view that it 's n its er view that the settlement is not needed and can not be justified .
5 GBH covers situations where the skin is not broken as in Wood ( 1830 ) 172 ER 749 , where a collar bone was broken .
6 Service courses , to judge by what one hears , are a frequent source of irritation on both sides , with the provider unhappy about cannibalizing or trivializing his or her discipline and the consumer complaining that the course is not geared or geared down to his or her needs .
7 An example of such a clause is one which says the employee is not to canvass or solicit during a period of five years from the date of the determination of this agreement for whatever reason any person , company or firm who were customers of the employer with whom he dealt during the last three years of his employment .
8 It may be alarmed the first time a bit is put in its mouth , or saddle is put on its back , or it 's girthed up , or mounted , but this anxiety can be ‘ undone ’ or prevented altogether by making sure that the horse is not hurt and by rewarding the horse at the same time .
9 The stiff rein indicates that the horse is not carrying or pushing as much with that inside hind leg and so it is easier for him to shy ( and so stop going forward ) , if he is not working as well in the first instance .
10 Parents can give up during this process feeling that the plan is not working or even making the problem worse .
11 Therefore the geometry is not affected if the picture plane ( which receives the projection ) is behind , intermediate to , or in front of the subject .
12 These in turn are supported by an array of lightweight silver oxide/zinc storage batteries , which store energy provided by the solar cells and provide back-up power for when the sun is not shining or the car faces a gradient .
13 My right hon. and learned Friend the Attorney-General has made it clear that the law is not suspended and therefore it would remain a matter for local authorities if they wished to bring actions .
14 As the Attorney-General explained to the House some time ago , the law is not suspended and local authorities , who have the primary duty of enforcing the law , should decide their own course of action .
15 The judge is not reported as making any speculation as to the source of this knowledge , which is obviously from the newspapers themselves .
16 The parents are not church members , the child is not baptised but wants baptised , who makes the promises ?
17 The warrant is not granted unless the proposed works are in accordance with the appropriate building regulations .
18 However the Tube is not designed as anything more than a temporary tent so it should n't be expected to give normal tent performance .
19 Thus all the answers are examined from the viewpoint of ABA ; the aim is not to state whether they are right or wrong , merely to determine if they meet the criteria of this model of practice .
20 According to the trust 's Andy Hunter , the aim is not to treat or rehabilitate people but give them an opportunity to work .
21 To reject the picture is not to suggest that people did not have a very real experience of God .
22 As when he was head-hunted to become deputy DG , the post is not advertised and there are no formal interviews .
23 s The point is not to prove that officials are everywhere politically dominant .
24 Treated so , the authority of the Bible is not diminished but enhanced .
25 The meaning is not explained but is left for the listeners to work out for themselves .
26 [ That this House condemns British Coal for its closure of the Coventry Colliery at Keresely with the loss of 1,300 jobs , completed in a mere 13 days from the announcement of the decision to the working of the last shift ; believes that the pit is not abandoned but mothballed with 40 million tonnes of good quality reserves of medium sulphur content which will be kept on a care and maintenance basis until a link-up is organised by a privatised Daw Mill Colliery should the Government be re-elected ; condemns British Coal 's refusal to attend two meetings of local authority and parish councillors , local honourable Members of this House and church representatives and notes the absence at the meetings of 24th October and 11th November of the local Tory honourable Members ; and calls for a public inquiry into the methods of the closure and the false economics which talk of losses ' yet fail to take into account the future cost to public funds of lost production and taxes paid , and of dole and unemployment payments to be made . ]
27 Where , however , the settlor is not domiciled or not resident or not ordinarily resident in the United Kingdom in any year of assessment the term does not include income arising under a settlement in that year in respect of which the settlor , if he were actually entitled thereto , would not be chargeable to income tax by deduction or otherwise by reason of his now being so domiciled , resident or ordinarily resident .
28 If ( in either case ) the proposed module is required by another module , the name is not deleted and a warning is reported .
29 The bridge seems to have come off cleanly , as the top is not split or damaged .
30 Where the price is not determined as mentioned in subsection ( 1 ) above the buyer must pay a reasonable price .
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