Example sentences of "the [noun sg] [conj] if [pron] do " in BNC.

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1 So if we start pulling them about which is cos I said to her about the hall and if I do n't scrub it all off we 're gon na have to erm gon na have to do the hall and er I said we 've got to try to put it on because the walls are so ooh bitty you know what I mean ?
2 There is always the danger that if they do send someone , it will be a junior reporter who does not know how to handle ‘ religious ’ news or is unsympathetic .
3 To a certain extent there 's an attempt in East Sussex to regulate , in terms of their county plan , people by linking it to housing , on the basis that if you do n't build the houses people ca n't migrate into area .
4 Can I make the point that if you do n't get to the parents of kids kids , before the end of summer term you could be jeopardising the chances of what they 're doing in the SATS because if you get to the parent erm in the beginning of the spring term and say you know , Fred is not doing particularly well because of this the parents are then in a position to do something about it but if you actually tell them once , basically the stable doors closed what can
5 Yeah I Actually I 'd better put these in the draw cos if I do n't I can see someone else helping themselves .
6 Wo n't it be pulling up some of that sludge through the chiller and if we do n't
7 Sometimes the strong sense of form causes individuals to rise to the occasion or if they do not , their inadequacy can be contained by the form itself .
8 End of the day and if you do n't let him in , he do n't have to have any
9 Go alt N and you can see what 's happening is your text is actually being indented one tab stop at a time so it ends up as a narrow thin ribbon of text skating down the page and if you do this really crazily you can end up with a document that is only just one word wide !
10 When visiting a foreign country , for example , I may feel that I have reason to obey its laws on the ground that if I do not I may bring the reputation of my university into disrepute .
11 Stowmarket gave Clacton a fair thrashing earlier in the season and if they do the same to Loughton it would give Clacton 's title prospects a big boost .
12 ‘ I allowed sixty seconds for us to get in the cart from the train and if we do n't leave now we 'll be late . ’
13 If it 's jewellery it 's harder , it will show up , erm if you 're marking things like engagements rings , then the best thing to do is actually take photographs of them with a ruler or some sort of erm comparison of the size of the item cos if you do like a a ring on a photograph it 's gon na , it 's gon na come out like a , so if you got a ruler to say , you know , it 's only sort of one and a half inches in width or whatever , then we can actually get a clear picture of , of that .
14 Now it 's perfectly now the cost er the benefits from sort of marketing right to buy is really very , very dubious erm the government has shown time and again that what it takes then gives with one hand , it takes away with another and the costs are obvious , we are fragmenting our housing stock , we are putting it , we are likely to end up with more and more with a higher proportion of poor properties and erm there 's also the risk that if we do really have to be promoting right to buy we 're going to have people who are probably not sure whether they can afford to buy their house or are n't sure whether they even want to buy their house .
15 ‘ You may have the best relationship in the world but if you do not provide your account manager with the ammunition to fight your corner then all his boss sees is a problem account . ’
16 Er Mr Potter this morning very fairly said to this erm t to the panel that if you do his need assessment which i if you got to the the exercise and stretch every parameter to its very limits , be as generous as you can on every possible criterion , you can get to an allocation for Selby of a hundred and twenty two hectares .
17 Yes I know , but we 're not er we wo n't fiddle about with them until we get well on to the way because if we do that now we got ta take the welder up , you 've only got ta cut them off again because they 're in the way for the rest of the bloody coaches .
18 Everything is explained to them , including the fact that if they do travel beyond the range of the device they 'll be re-arrested and prosecuted for attempted escape .
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