Example sentences of "the [noun sg] [prep] [num] of [art] " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps , when you meet them , they will invite you to take a seat at the Shield for one of the performances . ’
2 To pass by , you 'd never know that this humble Victorian cottage was the birthplace of one of the world 's greatest composers ; Edward Elgar .
3 The castle is famous as the birthplace in 1146 of the scholar-priest Gerald of Wales .
4 I dropped my rope at the base of one of the trees and started to rake , struggling to keep from slipping on the steep slope with its loose pine-needle surface .
5 At the base of one of the statues in the funeral temple of Amenhotep III ( died 1369 BC ) at Thebes , there is an inscription which includes a list of nine place-names .
6 Cover with a piece of oiled foil or greaseproof paper and a board , or the base of one of the removable-base tart or cake tins now to be found in many kitchen utensil shops , to fit exactly inside the dish .
7 The only reaction was from the latter , his masked face suddenly turning in the direction of one of the cameras .
8 The pile of three blocks shown in the drawing would be stable if pushed at from the direction of one of the arrows and very unstable if pushed at from the other direction .
9 Jesus waved in the direction of one of the stalls where fish were arranged on beds of ice .
10 Last month it lit the fuse on one of the biggest news stories of the year .
11 These act as formal devices linking together the separate elements of the work , forming organic curves against the geometrical masses , but they also refer back to the serpent in one of the most famous classical sculpture groups , The Laocoon .
12 THERE 'S A nice little guitar strum courtesy of Kurt Cobain , then David Grohl hits home with the sticks , Chris Novoselic 's bass grinds in and before you know it you 're powerless against the euphoria of one of the year 's truly excellent songs ; ‘ Smells Like Teen Spirit ’ .
13 At Pisa in November 1209 , he came under the influence of the imperial captains and plans for the invasion of Sicily secured the support of two of the principal north Italian cities , Pisa and Milan .
14 ‘ I am delighted to have the support of one of the biggest teacher associations , ’ said Mr Balchin .
15 As the lobbying increases before February 's decision , the Indians may well target the Aussies since , under a convoluted voting procedure , they must win the support of one of the ICC 's two founder members — England or Australia .
16 On a simple majority requirement therefore , victory could be achieved by any two of the big three if they gained the support of one of the smaller members , or by an alliance of the three large states .
17 In this enterprise he had the support of one of the leading Norman ‘ dissidents ’ , Geoffroi d'Harcourt , who represented the dissatisfaction of the duchy at the way it was being ruled by the Valois king .
18 The administration won a vote of confidence on Jan. 23 although , with the election of a Congress ( I ) member as Speaker , Congress ( I ) had a majority of only one in the Assembly ( with the support of one of the two independents ) .
19 They 'll set up an emergency centre at the home of one of the islanders and have enlisted the support of one of the world 's most prominent sea mammal vets .
20 Jacques Chirac was unanimously re-elected unopposed as the RPR 's leader but only narrowly won the support of two-thirds of the congress for the official party motion , without which he had threatened to resign .
21 A nationalist government commanding the support of 37 of the 75 deputies in the Basque parliament ( i.e. one less than an absolute majority ) was finally formed on Jan. 22 .
22 A " study group " — effectively a faction within the Takeshita faction — created in late October by Ozawa and his mentor , Finance Minister Tsutomu Hata , had the support of 36 of the faction 's members in the House of Representatives .
23 The only challenge to Thatcher since she first became leader in February 1975 had been in 1989 , when she had received the support of 314 of the then 374 Conservative MPs ( who formed the electorate ) against 33 for Sir Anthony Meyer , with 24 ballot papers being spoiled and three MPs not participating [ see p. 37134 ] .
24 Kuchma , a " technocrat " , was nominated by President Leonid Kravchuk with the approval of the opposition New Ukraine movement , and received the support of 316 of the 378 deputies present .
25 What is clear beyond doubt is that the level of intensional entities can not be identified with any level or world of objectively existing referents ; ( 25 ) is a perfectly coherent remark despite the fact that the speaker explicitly denies the existence of one of the principal participants in it : ( 25 ) If Jack had married , his wife would now be the dowager duchess of Luntshire
26 Within hours of the closure of the polls , news of Aristide 's victory led to scenes of national euphoria not witnessed since the overthrow in 1986 of the notorious Duvalier family dictatorship .
27 In France intermittent discussion from 1879 onwards , in which the advocates of change often pointed to Britain and Germany as models , bore fruit at last in the sending in 1904 of a commercial attaché to London at the special request of the embassy there : by 1908 the French diplomatic service included six such appointments .
28 The admission of five of the newly independent former Soviet Moslem republics to the Economic Co-operation Organization ( ECO ) in February gave new significance to this grouping , hitherto involving only Iran , Pakistan and Turkey , first created in 1965 as the Regional Co-operation for Development and reactivated and renamed in 1985 [ see p. 34499 ] .
29 Thus began the Peace Movement which continued through the remainder of the year with marches and hymnsinging rallies and which led to the award in 1977 of the Nobel Peace Prize to Mairead Corrigan and her co-founder , Mrs. Betty Williams .
30 Broadly speaking the interest of the State in vocational guidance , registration and placement , and after-care , marks the beginning of its concern with wage-earning youth , which was to develop over the next twenty years with the formation of the Juvenile Organizations Committee in 1916 , the various measures to ameliorate juvenile unemployment between the wars , and the inauguration in 1939 of The ‘ Youth Service ’ , each of which was a response to economic and social pressures , and all of which refined and extended the image of youth .
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