Example sentences of "the [noun sg] [prep] [pron] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Once it was realized that dispositions could be salvaged by the mere addition of a trust clause , it is likely that the addition of one became a regular feature of testamentary practice .
2 Her dedicated persistence finally gave a delegation of East End working women the opportunity of themselves demanding the vote from the prime minister , H. H. Asquith ( later first Earl of Oxford and Asquith ) .
3 While very different answers to these various questions were offered , the struggle with them reflected a new and consciously modern outlook .
4 Also , at this stage you can draw the back of the board towards you using the back foot .
5 In this paper the measure of who sets the objective for the lawyer is used .
6 They ended with the ‘ Declaration of Common Purpose ’ at the heart of which lay a commitment by the President to :
7 Acres of woodland and parkland , at the heart of which stand the remains of a 12th Century Cistercian Abbey which inside has exhibitions depicting the history of the monastery and country house .
8 The court will then pass the money to you to pay the judgement debt .
9 After all , only the Government has the money with which to pay a ransom .
10 The local youth centre raised the money for us to have a phone installed and we got a FreeFone number for the Exeter and Devon area .
11 If , as reported on Page One , the funds of the town council are as much as John Bennett states , perhaps they would advance the money for us to buy a new minibus , on suitable terms of course .
12 Here the detector is connected through a second closely coupled low-loss transformer , the primary of which has an adjustable tapping X' that divides it into sections with turns N' 1 and N' 2 .
13 Edwards used to take a nail onto the field with which to assail the seam , but that was not the only close sailing in which they indulged .
14 OVER the years I have learned to stop wincing at the description of someone having a drink problem .
15 Functional representation through organized interests representing the needs and demands of people in similar positions is as important to the pluralist as individual representation through the election of someone to represent the interests of a territorial constituency in a democratic assembly organized on majoritarian principles .
16 Ruth looked at the ground , pulling the cloak round her to stop a shiver .
17 Or damaged goods can , you know , put the foot through it to get the insurance cover on what we pay and we 're liable .
18 And besides the coincidence of his getting a new handler , without explanation , right after the disaster , Coleman could not help remembering the schoolboy password routine he had been given on joining the DIA .
19 Your friend can share the experience of you seeing the boy .
20 From the kitchen behind them came the sound of Mrs Brissett cleaning up vigorously and singing ‘ The Holly and the Ivy ’ .
21 Not that you suspect him because you do n't like the look of him walking the streets — he 's got to be a suspected person .
22 I wo n't take the responsibility for you losing the will to write , or for shackling your motives , or anything else .
23 The remains of a type of bake oven were unearthed , as well as another large oven , the function of which remains a mystery .
24 The test picks out a protein made by a defective gene , the presence of which indicates the patient has the fastest-moving type of cancer .
25 This is a 7 cm ( 3 in ) long member of the weaver bird family , the male of which bears a 50 cm ( 20 in ) long tail .
26 My mother and I helped push him up the ladder into the attic ( not easy — he was no lightweight ) , and then passed up the bucket for him to quench the flames .
27 The procedure simply divides the field into horizontal or vertical strips numbered from the top or bottom and informs the user in which strip the test card 's edge lies .
28 raise say a hundred pound or seventy five and then that can go towards payment er the payment for someone to patrol the car park for the plays .
29 III ) , where a border of crowstep pattern encloses a mixed ( or failed ? ) meander of swastika and greek key , to the west of which lies a four-swastika meander design .
30 The insanity of one unites the sane majority , while the ghoul and the cynic get another cheap thrill .
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