Example sentences of "the [noun sg] [verb] [adv prt] in the " in BNC.

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1 Then I remember that time when the tent blew down in the snowstorm and his sleeping bag went in the slush .
2 Hill , who survived a late collision with Berger 's Ferrari lost a lot of time in the traffic and this gave Gerhard the opportunity to close up in the closing stages .
3 I do n't really understand it but the the apprentice went down in the pit of course and the older man was above and they worked this saw all this sawdust was coming
4 The bike shot up in the air .
5 The bike drew up in the yard under the tree .
6 Out of the front window he saw the ‘ For Sale ’ sign , the white paint of the board showing up in the light that shone from between the curtains of Tom 's cottage .
7 Brynllys has been farmed organically by Rachel 's family since 1942 , but until 1982 all the milk went off in the tanker with everybody else 's , putting the lie to the old chestnut that organic producers must have a premium .
8 Godard has revealingly said that cinema is dependent on capitalism in two senses : first in the making of the film and second that ‘ in film the money comes back in the image ’ ( MacCabe 1980 , p. 27 ) .
9 It seems that , although some substantial and long-standing export industries declined , others expanded their export sales over the post-war period ( although the rise slowed down in the early 1980s ) .
10 Revisionist work has still to be drawn together into a full-scale synthesis , in part no doubt , because the quantity of new doctoral research in the field slowed down in the early 1980s .
11 The data allow the medical school greater control over the teaching going on in the hospitals .
12 Unfortunately , whether the contract drawn up in the first place has been a correct one or not , I 'm not sure .
13 The gang sped off in the Pathfinder after abandoning the overheating pickup , stolen the night before , 30ft from the bodies of the two friends .
14 The Labrador bounded up in the back seat , excited by familiar smells .
15 The contrast shows up in the different notions of ‘ social capacity ’ .
16 After reading the signpost , the user moves off in the direction of his choice until he arrives at the next crossroads .
17 The story taken up in the press was of the interminable controversies in which the Cambridge English faculty has been embroiled : Leavis , Steiner , Kermode , now Derrida .
18 Troop Sergeant-Major Haines — landed from ML 6 — reported to Newman and early in the fight lay out in the open with a 2-inch ( 51mm ) mortar firing on the guns across the submarine basin .
19 The skin ended up in the Natural History Museum in Copenhagen and it was only when the corpse was examined that it was discovered that sulukongur was in fact a female !
20 of the substance venial alanine it , the level rises up in the blood , it 's a bit like overfilling a jug , if you have a quarter pint jug and you have a pint of milk , when you get to the top you do n't stop pouring , it spills out the edge and in the body it actually goes into the body tissues , nowhere else to go and it causes a devastating result , it causes abnormal mental development , it causes gross retardation .
21 The neighbours would hear the truck draw up in the middle of the night , the rattle of the tail-board , the despairing slurry of the prisoner 's feet on the dirt .
22 The mud-slinging splashed back in the face of the accuser .
23 The awful triumvirate of fear , guilt and anger has to be faced and the tension built up in the body dealt with .
24 Certainly , the complex set up in the city meant that the bishop , appointed in the time of Sigibert , was only too easily suspected of treason by Guntram — and the arrival of Gundovald clearly did not help matters .
25 The industry grew up in the Lake District because there was a demand for gunpowder in the slate quarries and copper mines of the region , and because of the ready availability of birch and alder for charcoal and fast flowing becks to drive the machinery in the area .
26 The light went on in the hall and the door opened .
27 When the light went out in the last room , Bridget began to get up .
28 And now , as they got back into the car , both men sat in silence as they watched the light switched on in the front bedroom — and then the curtains being drawn across .
29 It seemed like only moments after Shiona had fallen asleep that the light snapped on in the compartment and a strong hand was dragging her from her bunk .
30 Licensed dealers still deal in certain shares the punter reads about in the tip sheets .
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