Example sentences of "be only [adv] that [pers pn] [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 It is only recently that I discovered that we are all born potentially good , demanding love and wanting nothing more than to give it in return .
2 It was only later that they discovered that the mysterious column , which in the heat haze had looked like twenty-five Lancia trucks , had in fact been Timpson 's patrol .
3 It was only later that he realized he had destroyed a Max Ernst .
4 It was only later that he described the mistake as ‘ terminal ’ , but he knew originally that it was serious .
5 It was only later that he found out that nearly everyone suffers from the same delusion in one form or another ; at the time he was convinced that it was his own personal idiosyncrasy .
6 It was only later that I realized that the tears were caused by rage and not by sadness .
7 It was only later that I discovered Ghatak was not only a director , but also , in his own , idiosyncratic way , a teacher and theorist of cinema .
8 It was only later that I came up with a theory for his reticence to stop and speak .
9 It was only later that I learned , quite by chance , that she was Janet Bloomfield , author of The Fallen Land , the recent prize-winning novel based on the tragedy of the collapse of the Paisley Close ( ‘ Heave awa ’ , lads ’ ) tenement in Edinburgh in 1862 .
10 It was only later that I dared to approach the nurse who did the dispensing and whisper in her ear that I knew nothing of Bach Remedies and would she please enlighten me .
11 It was only later that she switched to the Laban Centre and started dance training .
12 It was only partly that she disliked breaking arrangements , more that she wanted to let Cobalt see she was alive and well .
13 Though the basic broad principles of the hierarchy are observable from its inception , probably toward the end of the fifteenth century , it was only gradually that it became elaborated ; and it was only with elaboration that the hierarchy tended gradually to become more rigid and to exert an increasing influence on the attitudes both of the ulema toward their own aspirations and of the people toward the ulema .
14 It was only then that we realised it was a woman . ’
15 It was only then that he became aware of the stench of fetid breath as the figure drew its lips back over yellowing teeth to snarl at him again ; only then that he saw raging , bloodshot eyes glaring out at him from the hair covered face .
16 It was only then that he realised that he simply had n't been driving it fast enough .
17 He became very gloomy and depressed and according to the girl it was only then that he interfered physically with her .
18 It was only then that he noticed how raw and scalded the neck looked , how it bulged .
19 The other point which is made by the defendant is this , he says that the plaintiffs have been guilty of delaying tactics er during the course of this litigation , the result of which has been that er he has not been able to realize his interest in the partnership premises , also he has not been able to acquire a partnership premises and he he , doctor mentioned to me that to the actual conveyance of the partnership premises he 's , he tells me was only produced I think thirty and er that er it was only then that he realized there might be a chance that he could acquire the premises for himself , but he says that er because of the general , I think the case is , because of the general conduct of the plaintiffs in delaying the trial of the action one way or another , er the practical effect has been that the plaintiffs have had the benefit of use and occupation of the premises at which he erm , a main view , has a lot of that interest and that they are getting benefit of the kind from that occupation and he is not getting any money in res in respect of that , at least nothing like any market rent because it maybe that there is a fairly small er payment being made , but I 'm not too entirely clear whether that is the case or not , but the stock bond is suggesting that the plaintiffs have been obtaining benefit of the use of the premises at his expense and in those circumstances it is unfair er in , in , or otherwise not appropriate that the plaintiffs should be entitled to obtain interest on their bill of costs , in respect essentially of the period of delay , and when I say period of delay included that the period during which the forward of Mr Justice remained erm unprotected .
20 It was only then that he found out something was wrong .
21 It was only then that I noticed the small man seated in the armchair next to mine .
22 It was only then that I realized that ‘ psychoanalysis ’ looks very much like ‘ yellow elastic ’ on the lips .
23 By half-term I weighed seven stone nine pounds , and I suspect it was only then that I became weight-conscious in the literal sense .
24 Although I 'd followed the progress of the King trial in the papers , it was only then that it began to hit home what a symbol he had become for the suppressed majority of my city .
25 Liban turned in her direction with a levelled spear , and it was only then that she understood she must escape .
26 It was only then that she saw Sandra , standing concealed in the shadow of the eaves .
27 He grinned down at her and it was only then that she realised just what she had said .
28 It was only now that I realized that Lineker was n't Arabic for goal !
29 It was only now that she began to realise that her feelings bore no relation to what she was experiencing now , with this man .
30 So the decision was made for me , you see , it was only afterwards that I saw I had taken quite a step — a leap in the dark , in fact .
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