Example sentences of "be now [vb pp] to be [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In the light of this passage we can interpret one of Wordsworth 's gnomic sayings — ‘ The Child is Father of the Man ’ — and can understand what the attractive childhood episodes are doing in Books i and ii ; they are now seen to be similar ‘ spots of time … enshrined … for future restoration ’ .
2 In this case the developer would probably say to the local authority , I want this site and it 's all or nothing , which then puts the local authority in a dilemma and in the sense its allocated sites are now seen to be some form second status .
3 However , its founders , Larry and Doug Michels , are now said to be reluctant because the future is uncertain — it 's a heck of a time to have to start posting quarterly reports .
4 For harmony 's sake , Mr Aichi 's sins are now deemed to be minor .
5 However , for colliding plane waves , the boundary conditions are of a totally different character , and many of the solutions of Ernst 's equation that are appropriate for axisymmetric fields , such as the Tomimatsu-Sato solutions , are now found to be inconsistent with the boundary conditions for colliding plane waves .
6 Several species of Australian amphibian , amongst them some of the most beautiful and interesting in the world , have died out and are now thought to be extinct .
7 Scientists have called for an urgent review of recently set government safety limits which are now thought to be inadequate .
8 There are now thought to be 20–25 tigers left in southern China , with a few more of the Siberian variety left in the north .
9 As a consequence , tax rises are now thought to be inevitable by Whitehall sources .
10 Both this cluster of disease and another cluster in Slovakia are now known to be genetic in origin and associated with a missense mutation at codon 200 of the prion protein gene causing substitution of lysine in place of glutamate at residue 200 of the prion protein ( inherited prion disease ( PrP lysine 200 ) ) .
11 The diets of older people will often consist of foods favoured in their younger days , but which are now known to be deleterious to health .
12 Company profits are now expected to be level this year compared with a near 2 per cent fall last November , but next year 's improvement has been cut from 4.4 per cent to 2.9 per cent .
13 Faced , therefore , with the apparent metamorphosis of a colonial war and continuing French sacrifices for what were now declared to be American purposes , the US had succeeded in trapping itself .
14 The Corridor through which Poland had access to the sea ran almost exactly through Pomerelia and the area occupied by the Kaszubes — who were now considered to be Polish .
15 Some parents say they can barely afford children : living costs rocketed in the late 1980s , and Taipei is now reckoned to be one of the world 's most expensive cities in which to live .
16 The theorem is now recognised to be older than Pythagoras , much of whose mathematics has an eastern origin .
17 The Stedelijk 's Barnett Newman , worth DFl. 5.4 million just before it was vandalised in 1986 , is now said to be worthless .
18 Mrs Lenihan , who suffers from dementia is now said to be comfortable in hospital in Oxford .
19 It is now revealed to be Blue period — but one of the last paintings of this series .
20 Group One is now assumed to be obsolete .
21 Inflation this year is now expected to be 3.5 per cent , with a similar figure next year , while unemployment is now expected to level off at about 3.1 million this year and next , reflecting the fact that companies have already shed labour faster than in previous cycles .
22 The standards of cleanliness and hygiene in our feed mills is now expected to be close to human food factories , and this is monitored by the Company 's Quality and Service audits .
23 Albert Finney is now reported to be high on the BBC 's list for the part .
24 Active aggression is now thought to be exceptional .
25 Darwin 's own account of the unrestrained ‘ law of battle ’ in animals readily fits in with the theory of natural selection ; therefore , as his account of the law of battle is now thought to be wrong , we are left with the problem of reconciling new observation and established theory .
26 Microsoft Corp is said to be reconsidering the floor-level pricing it was trying with NT , and is now thought to be unlikely to go with the $99 price .
27 However , the span of control is now thought to be dependent on :
28 It remains a component of many , more traditionally based , agroecosystems and as discussed in section 4.4.1 , a return to such practices is now considered to be one answer to Africa 's poor record as a provider of sufficient food for its population .
29 This is one of the main reasons why it is now considered to be such an important protective factor in saving us from diseases of the bowel , like cancer .
30 Yet the statement is now considered to be false .
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