Example sentences of "be no time [to-vb] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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No Sentence
1 But tonight there had been no time to get the cheese or sardines or cold ham that made his evening meal ; Sean never liked to cook in his bedsit above the premises of Hogan 's lest the smell of food linger and be deemed offensive .
2 ‘ Her Ladyship 's started in labour , though she 's not due for another couple of weeks and there 's no time to get the doctor and nurse from Malton , by the look of things . ’
3 We had no telephone , and in any case there was no time to call a doctor .
4 But there was no time to admire the view , no time for more than a swift impression of airiness and light , of deep , comfortable furniture in maize-coloured linen , before she closed the door quickly .
5 Flying in the face of the facts , he prophesied that the economic crisis was so close that there was no time to build the party : the RCP must join the Labour Party , whose working class members , given Trotskyist leadership , would become revolutionary under the pressure of events .
6 He could be absolutely guaranteed to report to Fagg in the morning that a servant had been out of bounds , and this was no time to get the sack .
7 There was no time to write a libretto from scratch , so Guardasoni proposed an adaptation of Metastasio 's La clemenza di Tito ( the Clemency of Titus ) which was generally felt to be suitable for the occasion .
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