Example sentences of "be think [prep] [be] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 A pair of researchers arrived at the extraordinary conclusion that fusion of deuterons could be achieved without the application of massive external energy , which had previously been thought to be an indispensable condition .
2 This might be thought to be a good thing .
3 These unmarried women were thought to be a good influence on the girls and good role models .
4 This is because the students will be dealing with this for the first time and this is thought to be a clearer presentation .
5 Because work is still considered a male role , leisure , similarly , is thought to be a male preserve .
6 Anil Gadre , vice president of systems product marketing at Sun told Unigram a couple of weeks ago that a Sparc version of Novell 's Portable NetWare would arrive soon : meanwhile it 's thought the two will shortly announce NetWare SunLink to run on top of Sun 's Solaris 2.0 for Intel Corp platforms , which is thought to be a key part of Sun 's bid to capture a share of the Unix-on-Intel market .
7 Even the Member of Parliament , Jim Wallace , has been unable to obtain a copy of what is thought to be a damning indictment of Orkney Islands Council Social Work Department .
8 The feature is thought to be a former Cimmerian high block which has suffered inversion in the Cretaceous ( see Profile 1 , Fig. 8 ) .
9 He is thought to be a good economist , but a back-room boy .
10 Lee Brown , the former New York police chief who was appointed as ‘ drug tsar ’ by Bill Clinton on April 28th , is thought to be a good appointment .
11 Ours is thought to be a multi-faith , multi-ethnic and multi-cultural society , one in which diversity of life-style flourishes and which tolerates and fosters social and individual differences .
12 The buyer was not identified , but is thought to be a private collector .
13 Thus , its growth rate is thought to be a useful guide to the future rate of inflation .
14 The desire to achieve success at work , and to be recognised as doing so , is thought to be a powerful source of motivation .
15 These observations suggest that the rectal contractile response , which is thought to be a spinal reflex and the internal sphincter relaxation , an enteric reflex , are both normally suppressed by descending inhibitory pathways .
16 A useful collection of theorems and proofs is presented at the end of the chapter : among these is what is thought to be a novel proof of Sylvester 's law of degeneracy .
17 Naming rape victims without their permission is thought to be a bad thing .
18 This form of predation by Egyptian vultures is thought to be a significant source of egg loss for many ostriches .
19 If price is thought to be a significant factor in the product 's success , then the manufacturer should only deal with distributors who are willing to agree a mark-up and selling price with the manufacturer .
20 A second limitation , at least if the joint profit maximizing ( cartel ) allocation is thought to be a likely objective of the collusion , is that this allocation may not be sustainable by threats of reversion to a Cournot-Nash equilibrium .
21 This glut of contracts can also be partly explained by the actions of some banks supporting their national exchanges , and by some governments ' policies through their tax legislation and regulation actions which are aimed at establishing a presence in what is thought to be an essential requirement for each country 's financial centre .
22 Once massive amyloid dposits occur in the muscularis propria , this myopathy is thought to be an irreversible change because of the difficulty of elimination of this insoluble protein .
23 A second reason is that the market for corporate control is thought to be an important disciplining device particularly in those circumstances where competition in product markets is absent .
24 As noted by Kelsall ( 1979 ) , if the development of appreciative faculties is thought to be an important goal of art education then ‘ … approaches to achieving this goal by means other than those based exclusively on the productive aspects of art need to be developed ’ .
25 He went to see a young clergyman , seized by what was thought to be a dangerous illness :
26 The sudden onset of severe weather conditions was thought to be a frequent result of disturbance to a site .
27 One of the brown immigrants deliberately poured some of his coffee over the pale slab of sugar crusted fruit pie he was eating , and this was thought to be a brilliant piece of improvised humour .
28 In 1950 , when the Haskin 's Laboratory was set up at Yale University , it was thought to be a 5 year project to produce a box which could perform these two computations .
29 Now , Fiona was thought to be a suitable bride for my father-just the right age , pretty and vivacious enough it was thought to appeal to a man who was beginning to be known as a confirmed bachelor . ’
30 At one time pouchitis was thought to be a serious complication of pouch construction and even an argument against resorative proctocolectomy .
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