Example sentences of "be all [adv] [vb pp] [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 They 're all safely tucked up in Hackney .
2 This shows that faith , obedience , and belief are all intrinsically bound up with the cultivation of emotions that are appropriate to the truths we profess to believe .
3 Let us say that , although not trapped in a fight for survival , we are all still caught up in the ordinary competitiveness of business , social gamesmanship , and marriage .
4 A rather different example is newspapers , where typesetting , printing , and publishing are all commonly carried out on the same premises by one company .
5 Of Conservative leaders in the twentieth century , A.J. Balfour ( 191 1 ) , Austen Chamberlain ( 1922 ) , Neville Chamberlain ( 1940 ) , Sir Alec Douglas-Home ( 1965 ) , and Mr Heath ( 1975 ) were all eventually forced out of the leadership because of the lack of party support in Parliament ; the last two as much because they had also lost general elections .
6 Questions on health , self-care and education were all highly rated by over 70 per cent of respondents .
7 I noticed the filters were sm smeared and it 's like a smear on the filter , so I had a close inspection , found that they were all actually clogged up with what appeared to be superglue .
8 The plaintiff 's solicitor need not wait until it is all neatly tied up before serving a statement of claim ( although note the operation of RSC Ord 18 , r12(1A — C) in respect of proceedings commenced on or after 4 June 1990 — see para 1.47 below ) .
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