Example sentences of "be that we [vb mod] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It is reasonable to assume that ancient people were sensitive to the reality of these other levels of existence , living their lives accordingly , and it may be that we should look to this awareness as the origin of much folklore .
2 Erm but taking a very broad approach to it it may be that we can suggest to the receivers of that erm taking the inconvenience , the extra cost and so on , roughly say half of that account erm
3 It may be that we can learn from computers something of what we have been missing in the game ; or , that chess is so rich , that only a symbiosis between man and machine can explore it adequately .
4 Erm and er it could be that we could look at that .
5 If the immediate international situation is used as an excuse to get us to drop our opposition to the rearmament programme of the Government , the next phase must be that we must desist from any industrial or political action that may disturb national unity in face of fascist aggression .
6 Because , hopefully , the product of this discussion is that we 'll look at each grant , judge it on its merits , and then come up with what we think 's the right figure .
7 Our understanding is that we shall report to [ the directors of Growing Business PLC ] .
8 What you mean is that we might bang into things or kick a detonator on the nose or something of the kind .
9 This has never had it so this as far as I 'm concerned really , the only thing that is needs to be made clear , is that we must accept of principle that 's all we need to reason .
10 I suppose what I 'm really saying is that we should stop for a second each time we leap to elevate some young lad or lass to godlike status for a fifteen second guitar solo , and think about Paul McCartney penning Yesterday at age 23 .
11 If we have not got through for what we need to er examine then the proposition is that we should reconvene at five thirty this evening .
12 His position is that we should think of rules as practices , as ways of behaving , and not suppose that to support this way of behaving there must be some internal interpretation of the rule which tells the rule-followers how to work the rule .
13 A fourth option which has been advocated is that we should draw upon American experience and adopt a ‘ hard look ’ standard of review for discretionary decisions .
14 One expectation is that we should look like professionals .
15 We need a relational database to store our accounting data in , and whilst our overall approach is that we will work with potentially Ansi S Q L compliant relational database , I would like to emphasize that has been our primary development environment over the last two years .
16 And the spirit of the exercise is that we will work as a team , and the most cost-effective procedure will exist .
17 Now a very important issue in relation to conforming with requirements is that we can go over the top , we can go O T T as we say .
18 In this novel , he argues , the particular pattern of frequencies sets up its own expectancies , and the consequence is that we can generalize beyond the text , and judge whether a particular non-occurring sentence would be appropriate to its " language " or not .
19 The answer is that we can gamble on their occurrence and their nature by so arranging matters that we might profit from them .
20 ‘ The big difference in the League of Ireland is that we can train on Saturdays as well as two nights a week — because our matches are played on Sunday .
21 ‘ The big difference in the League of Ireland is that we can train on Saturdays as well as two nights a week — because our matches are played on Sunday .
22 One thing we were both sure of was that we would return in the near future with no carp tackle , but to fish purely for the cats , that is if we can get booked of course .
23 Unemployment was over three million and one strong view was that we should wait until the autumn when the economic recovery would be more apparent .
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