Example sentences of "be not [verb] for [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But sadly the works of art are not destined for any gallery … they remain a very private and personal part of Kylie 's life .
2 Dr Alun Gee , NRA technical manager for the Welsh region , said , ‘ We are not looking for any relaxation in current standards ’ and the objectives will contain a ‘ no deterioration ’ clause .
3 Living persons are not fitted for such transmission , and even the dead must be guaranteed by their " solid achievement " ( political , literary , military , or other ) .
4 Us women are not to blame for this AIDS
5 In theory , you can convert a road shoe to cross-country shoe or vice versa , but as midsoles and uppers are not designed for such changes , it would not always to wise to try to .
6 Is this , all these wonderful protection of animals , dogs and horses and so on , and pet shops and so on , do , does the Chief Fire Officer think in his local knowledge , that most of these have been inspected by his officers , or does he get the feeling there , that sometimes the district councils are not asking for these inspections ?
7 Consequently , Re concentration data are not reported for these analyses , but the Os data are reported to illustrate the level of reproducibility of these measurements .
8 But Wittgenstein has been seen to argue convincingly that naming is a subsidiary use of language and that many substantives are not used for this purpose ( the psychological participles like ‘ thinking ’ being the obvious example ) and , furthermore , that naming itself is not a sort of primal act of speech acquisition but a clutch of language-games that need to be mastered like any others .
9 Because they are not paid for this service , there may be a socially less-than-optimal amount of bee-keeping .
10 Therefore , we 're not , other than the specific items that appear on your additions list , we 're not looking for any growth in the base budget at this stage , over and above that that 's already built into your budget base .
11 Juliet , I 'm afraid you 're not prepared for this search at all , you do n't know what you 've got into , and I think you ought to call it off right now .
12 Because when you are 12,000 miles away you 're not playing for any country .
13 ‘ Do n't get me wrong — we 're not asking for any favours from the referee , ’ said the inspirational Leeds midfielder .
14 I 'm not looking for some sinecure of a job with the cosy family firm , Lucy !
15 Yep I 've decided I 'm not going for that Audi Matt
16 she says we 're just not gon na be able to use drawers that 's all she said I 'm not going for another bed
17 I tell you , I 'm not giving you a penny more for clothes , I 'm not paying for any driving lessons when you 're seventeen , I 'm not shelling out for another disco , I 'm not giving you another lift to a party that everyone else in your year 's going to and you 'd be a freak if you missed it .
18 You know I 'm not closed for any area because erm er I adapt I 've adapted to change you know .
19 ‘ I 'm not waiting for any session to finish .
20 ‘ This is just another demonstration that they are n't fighting for any cause .
21 The child 's arousal classification was noted for each 12th minute value of UOS pressure and a mean value obtained for arousal states A and B. Although arousal states C to E were noted their data were not analysed for this study .
22 William had come to the throne two years earlier , in 1688 , after the Glorious Revolution against the Catholic James II ; but although the Treatises do contain material which could be seen as after-the-fact justifications of the Revolution , they were not written for this reason .
23 Second only to the Royal Saloons of this time were the 57ft saloons de luxe , built for the accommodation of the Royal suite , when the King and Queen were travelling ; when they were not required for this purpose they could be hired .
24 You were not chosen for this trip just to see an old flame , were you ? ’
25 They did not know then , were not to know for many years , were never fully to understand what it was that held them together — a sense of being on the margins of English life , perhaps , a sense of being outsiders , looking in from a cold street through a lighted window into a warm lit room that later might prove to be their own ?
26 Even those pupils who were not entered for any examination have suffered , because teachers have got into a habit of teaching in a particular way , and find it hard to break away from it .
27 To this day , we do not know why élite internal security units of the KBW were not used for this purpose , as they were in 1956 .
28 Les Conn : ‘ Well , of course , the people were n't prepared for that kind of entertainment and they all put their hands over their ears , and Bloom started screaming , ‘ Get them off , they 're ruining my wedding party ’ .
29 Although such will does not defeat the claim of the other spouse under the provisions of the Inheritance ( Provision for Family and Dependants ) Act 1975 , if reasonable provision is not made for that spouse , it might be of " persuasive " use to the court in proceedings under that Act in deciding whether or not to award the surviving spouse a limited interest ( eg until remarriage ) or an absolute interest in the deceased 's share of the matrimonial home .
30 Delegates from Greenpeace and Friends of the Earth told a meeting in Manchester hosted by a group of ‘ nuclear free ’ local authorities that they would be pressing the Government to ensure the money is not diverted for this purpose .
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