Example sentences of "be [Wh det] be [adj] [prep] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 And Chesterton says , I am what is wrong , not with the whole wide world , but I am what is wrong with my world .
2 I remembered moving from one to the other , explaining : I am a writer ; the notebooks are what is precious to me .
3 Well I mean that 's what 's nice for them , is n't it ?
4 Okay that 's not right but what 's what 's right about it ?
5 That 's what 's shameful in our society and it 's only the Labour Party in unison with our movement that can right the wrongs of the past fourteen years .
6 That 's what 's good about her .
7 I 've said a lot about the visual because that 's what 's new to us and it 's also something that may be neglected .
8 Its the pressure that er everybody 's under to look a certain way and the look tends to have you know lipstick or , and every thing else and that 's what 's expected of you , so most people do it .
9 That 's what 's wrong with him .
10 That should be a plus , that 's what 's wrong with it .
11 That 's what 's wrong with it though , is n't it ?
12 If you get a four paragraph story on the letters page , you 're home , if you 've got a full page or a two paragraph story on the sports page , you should go out and celebrate and , because those are the ones that people read and look at and that 's what 's important to them and that 's you know that 's that message that you .
13 She was just paranoid , that 's what was wrong with her .
14 Or just just the once I think what 's whatever 's best for you
15 ‘ What I want to know is what 's wrong with us and our galaxy ?
16 Right , well , well , actually yes , what , what you look at , is , is what 's important to you and you put a cash value on it , and it might be the mortgage , it might be education , it might be giving yourself a couple of years ' salary and paying debts or whatever , er , and the security of knowing that O K , if I die , I 'm not leaving a problem for my family , but at the same time if I 'm in a situation where I get a serious illness and I ca n't bring in an income , I 'm securing my , my , my future in that respect .
17 Let us disregard the moral overtones which are irrelevant anyway to the concept of lying ( what makes lying bad is what is bad about what makes it lying ) .
18 ‘ I have a managerial role , organising in-service training and schedule , but I also teach and that is what is important to me .
19 ‘ I could imagine the Senseless Things , but I ca n't imagine Marc Bolan being resurrected from an enormous star in the sky and having Pan 's People dancing around him , and that was what was good for me !
20 Then I hesitate to say that there 's probably a more complex issue now even than the Fire Station , erm , the figures which are given incidentally are the original estimate there , because that was what was available to us at the time .
21 And nothing wrong with it at all , if that was what was right for you , but it was n't right for Maria , and it sure as eggs was n't right for Kath !
22 What was what was wrong with your little bit of WordPerfect ?
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