Example sentences of "be [v-ing] [that] [pron] [am/are] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The Los Angeles communities are demanding that they are policed and patrolled by individuals who live in the community and the commanding officers by ten-year residents of the community in which they serve .
2 Polygamy is now going out of favour , especially as the risk of contracting AIDS through multiple sexual partners is high , and as women become more liberated they are demanding that it be made illegal .
3 You 're pretending that you 're speaking to somebody and just speak all the time .
4 Just say no you 're doing that I 'm doing it .
5 Clearly state that , we 're assuming that you are going to divide er divert the footpath , we 're not going to .
6 You 're putting the meal up fifteen percent , and you 're assuming that you 're going to charge them two pounds for the attendance to that centre .
7 ‘ We 're finding that they 're getting reviewed , but quite a lot of papers are still bad about it , ’ says Ms Callil .
8 So as long as you you 're thinking that they 're doing okay and meeting the market demand .
9 I am saying that we are confronted , beneath a language which is often common to both parties , with two competing moral philosophies , and that the language of partnership is a mirage , a deliberate and partisan disguise for the fact that one of those philosophies holds power while the other comes from beneath the underdog .
10 Now it 's made the people , I have friends in Moscow , who are saying that they are losing a lot of their food supplies , because the West are taking the most throw down prices so that the Yugoslavs and the Romanians can get the goodies they want for us .
11 Of course while they may be imagining that they are bending my ear and creating a good impression , they are also providing me with the kind of evidence I am looking for about the gendered and generational aspects of this kind of racism .
12 The first decision — and I am assuming that you are choosing the frame before the pressed flower design has been created — is to decide what shape of picture you want .
13 But increasingly we are finding that they are developing across the interstices of the organizational and technical skills which have served us so well in the past .
14 If you are finding that you are answering ‘ yes ’ to most of these questions , it is time you took action !
15 a London colloquialism has been used , Napier were saying that we 're doing the tutoring we would be happy to set the exam paper but with say
16 There 's already more reason why and that 's suggesting that you 're saying January is inadequate .
17 Nobody is pretending that we are having a great time , but it is important to recognise the factors which have affected us in what is a transitional period for the club .
18 Now the thing that seems to be the most interesting on the er face value of it , is er how it 's going to affect fuel consumption and transport , and he is saying that they 're considering whether further changes should be made in the taxation of er fuel and vehicles .
19 track , because it it , no other transport business er has er does has to have a business , which op owns both the track it 's operating on and the operating er facilities themselves , so the we 're not doing anything new here , what we are actually doing , and incidentally the German government and other governments are going down the same route now because it 's not true to say that others are n't privatizing , what we 're doing is saying that we are having a separate track authority , and there are a variety of reasons for that , er but the an and that means actually less investment by the franchisee himself , but he will have control over the th the track operations , because he will have a contract , with Rail Track , to deliver certain services , and if Rail Track does n't deliver them then he 's able to claim penalties so
20 What keeps me going is knowing that I 'm doing this for my children , not out of choice .
21 Could I just say colleagues that the the General Secretary is proposing that we 're having , we , we , we 're gon na , we gon na have the bucket collection as has been referred to during the course of the debate and it 's recommended that whatever is in the buckets that the union actually doubles the collection .
22 The workers will have to be part of the success of the sell-offs , which is why advisers like Mr Brennan are proposing that they be given sizeable stakes in companies for nothing — up to 5 per cent or more — with the possibility of them buying more shares at big discounts .
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