Example sentences of "be [v-ing] [conj] she [be] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I 'm wondering if she 's saying down you know , like cos they fall down she saying up , and then she 's damn .
2 It was a secret that made her even more different , because now that people were saying that she was turning into the dark beauty her mother had been , she knew much more about why men and women made babies , that it was n't because it was a duty to God but because they enjoyed it ; and seeing him in church every week , noticing that his voice was going deep and that her own body was changing too and that they were becoming man and woman made her think about him and long for him more and more : she wanted to have him completely , entirely for herself .
3 I have seen both Peter and Joan and they were crying and she was sobbing ‘ My girls , my girls will never come back ’ . ’
4 Her hands were shaking and she was crying and smoke was coming out of her gun .
5 He answers , ‘ She is cooking and she is eating .
6 She 's frowning like she 's thinking real hard .
7 like be doing his A levels and that she 's saying that she 's gon na take both of our stereos , lock them in the , lock them in the shed all day , take
8 so obviously she 's assuming that she 's talking to Elvis , but er , she ca n't prove it
9 But with Lindsey it was the smoking , the drinking staying out , out pretending she was babysitting erm ringing her daddy home and saying daddy can I babysit the night till half eleven and her daddy 's thinking that she was telling the truth
10 But she was cooking and she was going you take , she goes , she goes , some people like it a little bit on the side , you know , with their food , some people on the side .
11 For example , the Turkish translation of ( 95 ) might be glossed as ( 96 ) , where the proximal demonstrative anaphorically refers to the first referent introduced , and the distal demonstrative to the second : ( 95 ) John and Mary came into the room : he was laughing but she was crying ( 96 ) John and Mary came into the room : this was laughing , but that was crying In that case , there are good arguments for considering that anaphora ultimately rests on deictic notions ( Lyons , 1977a : 671 ) .
12 oh , he was soaking and she was soaking , they come in , she had er trolley and he had er
13 ‘ I was wondering what Angy was wearing when she was found . ’
14 In the next instant Travis was rising and she was set back on her feet as he put some distance between them .
15 Her mind drifted back to that occasion while Pascoe was talking and she was recalled sharply when she realized he had put a question .
16 But now that her once-passionate nature was reawakening and she was beginning to feel vibrantly alive again , the cold perfunctory touch of her husband 's fingers seemed suddenly more repugnant than ever before , and she withdrew her hand hastily from his and picked up her glass to conceal the real reason for breaking the contact .
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