Example sentences of "be [v-ing] [adv] [prep] [art] world " in BNC.

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1 And most of us have a general sense that things are pretty gloomy for people in the Third World : we might remember that Sudanese women must walk hours in search of firewood , that Brazilian peasants are still going hungry , that children are dying all over the world of something as simple and easily treatable as diarrhoea .
2 It 's been happening all over the world for quite some time . ’
3 I am looking down on the world , but it does not stretch away over nebulous distant horizons .
4 Ever since that time , there has been going on throughout the world a series of struggles which have ranged from very minor quarrels at one extreme , to the uttermost ferocity of human warfare at the other .
5 ‘ I 'm 21 years old , here I am going all over the world , and people actually give a shit what I think about things .
6 But if you think about it in contemporary terms I I was giving a lecture in London er a couple of weeks ago erm on the subject of erm America 's changing foreign policy under Clinton if you just think about foreign policy making and who makes it , and questions of consistency and you think about some of the crises that are going on in the world from Bosnia and so on what does the constitution tell us ?
7 It would be a strange irony indeed if , as Europe left behind it the threat of nuclear war , that threat were found to be arising elsewhere in the world .
8 If Mr Moynihan is prudent , he will already be thinking ahead to the World Cup of 1994 .
9 Birth rates are falling everywhere in the world — except Africa .
10 BILLY CRYSTAL introduced this year 's Oscars by reflecting that ‘ no Americans are fighting anywhere in the world — except at Paramount . ’
11 They were going out into the world though none of them knew quite where until it was announced in public at their Commissioning Service it , the Albert Hall .
12 They were due to meet a Bradman XI at Bowral the day after South Africa were playing there in a World Cup warm-up match .
13 When he 's not in the office , he 's jetting all over the world clinching deals and making money .
14 Not necessarily the but certainly from below the top it 's happening all over the world , it 's , it 's er upsetting everybody , they do n't know whether they 're coming or going .
15 For lack of information about what is happening elsewhere in the world , people record ‘ screendiaries ’ or ‘ mimic minimemoirs ’ ( 7 ) on their ‘ chatterscreen[s] ’ ( 127 ) .
16 Be aware of what is happening all over the world , but for goodness sake do n't allow the market — by which I mean the City — to guide the destiny of your company .
17 I worry about my daughter , she 's growing up in a world where things are inevitably going ’ Asked whether he may just possibly have got it all wrong , Hopkins pauses melodramatically .
18 Nature , produced by Robin Hellier , has a lot of pace as did Horizon 's The Geneva event ( BBC2 , 24 January ) What the latter did not have was much patience with the aspirant but relatively unlearned student of what is going on in the world of high energy physics The main Geneva event — the identification of the W subatomic particle which , with the Z , will enable the theory that the four fundamental forces of nature can be unified within a single framework to be sustained — has yet to be announced , though it is believed imminent Horizon had been patiently filming for four years .
19 So what is going on in the world of higher education today ?
20 People often say they are confused by what is going on in the world ; it no longer seems to make sense .
21 But it can hardly be argued that either carbonate or coal measure deposition is going on around the world today in anything like the way it has in the past .
22 and find out what 's going on in the world .
23 be aware of what 's going on in the world in terms of not just employment but further o opportunities .
24 I mean I think there 's the same problem with children in a sense , I mean , you you talking about confronting them with the realities of the world and I suppose I perhaps if we if we did expose ourselves to the erm to the true meaning of what 's going on in the world , we could n't handle it psychologically without stopping it , without doing something about it .
25 Though he wo n't be getting a title Tim is moving up in the world — he 's about to swap his modest semi in Winchester for the grandeur of Anne 's residence , Gatcombe Park , Glos .
26 In terms of that deterrent , is it not right that when a submarine is cruising anywhere in the world 's oceans , any potential aggressor who attacks the United Kingdom will stand the risk of unacceptable and devastating retaliation from us ?
27 It is claimed that one of Andrew Lloyd Webber 's songs is playing somewhere in the world every minute of the day .
28 COMMUNIST North Korea , suspected of building an atomic arsenal , said yesterday it was pulling out of a world agreement on limiting nuclear arms rather than face international inspection of secret military sites .
29 I like to think that I share a love of the World Service and an interest in it with Mr. Gorbachev , who gave it one of the best unsolicited testaments that anyone could when he said that while being held prisoner he heard about what was going on in the world by listening to the World Service .
30 One minute I was in Holland working as a clerk in a police station and the next I was zooming all around the world .
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