Example sentences of "be [adv] where [pron] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Soon , if she was n't careful , she 'd be just where she knew he wanted her .
2 I mean , we were exactly where we said we were gon na be , but suddenly I did n't realise that he was boss .
3 DEFENCES Clive Greenacre , in his distrust , used his wife 's agoraphobia as a defence against his own need to be sure of her being safely where he left her .
4 As you pass through the hall you notice that Mr Azul is just where you left him .
5 ‘ We can go back to Rose Cottage , always supposing Pook s Common is still where we left it , and I 'll make coffee , ’ she offered , aware that she should contribute to the peace that had broken out between them .
6 I studied the wording closely to be sure the shop was exactly where I thought it was , folded up the paper and left the flat to check for myself .
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