Example sentences of "be [adv] over [art] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Yeah , I mean , the next pubs are right over the side of the hospital ,
2 Can you see the sand on this path where the water 's been right over the top of it ?
3 Ben 's been all over the world since then
4 These branch off from the main artery , called the aorta , and then divide into lots of smaller branches which are all over the surface of the heart .
5 Despite the fact that spiders are all over the place in Dostoevsky , not just in Svidrigailov 's dirty bathhouse vision of Eternity , and that urban potted plants go back to the beginning in Poor People , we are here firmly inside Crime and Punishment in its abandoned first-person narrative form ( ‘ I am on trial and will tell all ’ ) : Petersburg evenings and their hanging summer light , noises from below , happy workmen , blessed ‘ living life ’ elsewhere , a lonely man in pain passing through gates , over thresholds , slipping up and down staircases , the buzzing By of Raskolnikov 's dream and his awakening , intense time-consciousness alternating with time-oblivion .
6 Booth , Wright , Smith and Ferguson are all over the age of 21 .
7 The er facial expressions are perhaps over the top for court ?
8 here 's some coins for playing with , for doing erm , adding up and takings aways with the younger ones , and I keep those in there , and they 're all over the bottom of that bag .
9 It 's not just in my area they 're all over the place in Scotland as well , so
10 Certainly , when anaesthesia , for example , was first introduced , there were the same debates as there are now over the care of VLBW babies , about its experimental nature and the long- and short-term effects of using it .
11 Over a third of cystic fibrosis patients are now over the age of 15 , and the number of patients is increasing by 100 to 120 patients a year , most of whom are adults .
12 In any case , ’ he added , turning to look at her intently , ‘ the fact that I was in your room at this hour will be all over the hotel by morning . ’
13 It would be all over the organisation in minutes .
14 As I 've said before , we ca n't be all over the flats at the same time .
15 Thus party apparatchiks can spend months or years devising an appropriate slogan without anyone paying more than the most perfunctory attention when the thing is published , while some silly so-and-so can go on Newsnight and make an indelicate comment and be all over the newspapers for weeks .
16 If he lay there until the morning , assuming he did not pass out , or drown , or spew up and choke to death in the meantime , he would be found when the boys came in to wash ; the humiliation would be unbearable and the whole story would be all over the school by breakfast .
17 He told Daniel about the terrible St Rémy painting of the blasted tree , about noir-rouge , and Daniel said that it was odd that these orchards should be all over the walls of other asylums now , to cheer people up .
18 It 'll be all over the colony in no time .
19 Otherwise , they 'd be all over the place under their own steam .
20 Whatever the case , the story of Sister Jones 's ridiculous crush on Dr Tom Russell would be all over the hospital by the end of the day , and Belinda , feeling like a helpless little fish struggling in a vast invisible net , did n't know what to do about it .
21 The argument is likely to be less over the substance of the legislation than over whether the system can be implemented .
22 But it does seem to me that , can you really trust a front bench , that ca n't work out that I might be slightly over the age of twenty one ?
23 Although the SIMM sockets ( eight in all , four with 1Mb SIMMs fitted ) were right over the back of the board , against the power supply , access to them was n't too bad .
24 It 's a little lad and I I looked through a window , I could see Judith holding this baby but you had to walk round to get to her and I knew before you 'd got there and you were all over the moon about this little baby and everything
25 The '70s thing is all over the place at the moment , it 's when people of my generation were growing up , it 's people 's memories of classic pop imagery from their childhood . ’
26 That is absolutely clear , and it is in clear contrast to the position of the Labour party , which maintains its high spending policies and is all over the place in deciding how to finance them .
27 After another 30 seconds the Vanguard called " BN is established on localiser and glidepath ; the ADF 's all over the place in this weather " .
28 It is only over the question of Faculty examinations and the associated ‘ grandfathering ’ provisions that there is a material divergence of views between the two bodies .
29 Swimming : There 's an enormous ‘ Aquarena ’ in Kitzbuhel itself , or you may prefer the warm waters of the Schwarzsee , which is just over a mile from the centre .
30 The hotel is just over a mile from the town centre and 150 yards from the Lido beach .
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