Example sentences of "be [adv] [v-ing] [conj] [pers pn] [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 The external factors affecting your business are constantly changing and you have in order to survive to adapt to these external changes .
2 ‘ They are obviously regretting that they let her start the paper round , but there seemed to be no reason for them to object to it . ’
3 I am only suggesting that you take a little time off , shall we say , until you are quite well again ? "
4 I am only guessing because we do not talk about things like that .
5 We also need Government investment to back up the youth services , teachers and parents so that the next generation of youngsters does not include a minority whose self-discipline , self-esteem and respect for their own future are so lacking that they get kicks from racing stolen cars or lobbing bottles at the police .
6 Their calls are also very intricate , and the sounds of some of them , the young , sexually mature humpback males , are so haunting that they have become a best-selling record .
7 I am just saying that we have no other alternative .
8 No my friend 's in the trade I said they 're basically working but they 've got a halt on somewhere because they 've come back you 'll have to sort out the you 've got but er they 're only one ten
9 an awful lot from teachers , you know , we 're just expecting that they know everything about sex education .
10 this idea pettiness you know , but you 're just waiting while they get their load done , to come up with some suggestion .
11 You know if you 've , erm do you know if you 've erm recorded it , if you 're like speaking if you like in a group do you put all their names down ? , or just put a group ?
12 Asked about the reasons for his apparent about face , Hahn said : ‘ You 're always learning and I think in the past our view was wrong .
13 They 're so bloody thick , they 're always saying that we dress like tramps yeah then why do they wear clothes with holes in them ?
14 That 's because you 're always working and you do n't have a chance .
15 And the things is , they always laugh , they 're always laughing when they get on the train
16 So what they 're now saying that you 've got
17 Well , it 's not a positive action that is noted , as we 're actually saying that we 've we 've read it , basically .
18 People are always complaining that they do not have enough work space/dumping space , but it may well be what they really need is better organized storage .
19 And it provides a cover for racist fantasies such as these comments of primary school teachers — ‘ Southall stinks of curry ’ or ‘ I am always sneezing when I come here .
20 As the mum of a 12-year-old son , we are both learning as we go along how to use the Amstrad 5086 , my son concentrating more or less on games and school related programs , myself for the odd game , but mainly word-processing ( I have just written my first book ) , genealogy and cheating on addressing the Christmas cards .
21 Pa and Ms are both snoring as I watch the yellow dustcart reverse up our track .
22 For instance , those who have missed some training , through injury , illness or lethargy , are probably wondering whether they have done enough .
23 Feelings of guilt are really about a sense of unentitlement ; in thinking that your desires and feelings are wrong or ‘ silly ’ you are also saying that you feel you are wrong or silly , and not entitled to be taken seriously , or helped .
24 When you say , " Do you understand me ? " , you are really asking if you have successfully communicated to the other person what you had in mind .
25 And remind yourself that you have worked very hard indeed to achieve the success you are now enjoying and you jolly well deserve it .
26 ‘ I 'm only staying if you guarantee that you 're going to pay me . ’
27 It 's in response to Mr Allenby 's question we seem to be patiently waiting for I think he posed it some time ago about the county council 's view on whether in the absence of a strategic exceptions policy or whatever you call it , a major exceptions policy in the structure plan , whether the county council would object to it being pursued in the in the local plan .
28 Joe just put your hand up now just put your hand up I 'm just seeing that you remember your number .
29 Erm I 'm just calling because I hear you 've written a book on Irish water spaniels .
30 Thing is I , I do n't know if I 'm just imagining that I have n't got any , this this does n't really work .
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