Example sentences of "be [adv] [vb pp] [prep] [verb] that " in BNC.

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1 Many of Freud 's interpretations of behaviour resulting from these phases are so taken for granted that they are no longer recognised , e.g. tight-ass is a slang expression for Freud 's description of an anal character .
2 The links she is forming — trade with China and Korea , New Zealand and Australia — are deliberately aimed at ensuring that Chile in particular , and South America in general , is becoming very much a legitimate partner in the Pacific of the future , no matter that the local cultures and traditions , -combined with the sheer distance from the Pacific 's economic heartland , have always hitherto militated against the continent 's inclusion .
3 First , Wittgenstein sees this sort of foundationalist as a form of sceptic , who admits the difficulty of showing that we are ever justified in believing that other persons exist .
4 Thus , where the tenant had been innocently misled into believing that he would obtain a long term , and had invested heavily in the property next door , whereas the landlord in fact had plans for immediate redevelopment , the Court of Appeal upheld an order for a break-clause exercisable after the first three years of the term ( Amika Motors Ltd v Colebrook Holdings Ltd ( 1981 ) 259 EG 243 ) .
5 Their control over the decision-making process has been carefully reinforced by ensuring that the climate of ideas which surround the making of disability policy is also under their influence .
6 This can , however , be largely avoided by insisting that his ROI targets are reset each year in the knowledge of assets held and investments to be undertaken during the year .
7 For instance , in the law of contract the question , ‘ What is the difference between void and voidable contracts ? ’ can be accurately answered by saying that a void contract is an apparent contract that is in truth no contract at all , while a voidable contract is a contract that is capable of being avoided at the option of one party .
8 He expanded this view by referring to a number of authorities , which could only be truly explained by saying that certain contracts have become part of " the accepted machinery of a type of transaction which is generally found acceptable and necessary ; so that instead of being regarded as restrictive they are accepted as part of the structure of a trading society " .
9 I think that there a we are strongly committed to thinking that the cameras are a very important trial .
10 I never actually reached puberty , in terms of periods , although I can remember feeling lumps developing in my breasts , and being momentarily shocked before realising that I was growing up .
11 In the years before the oil crisis dismissals were frequently justified by arguing that individuals did not merit tenure because they lacked commitment or because of their poor educational qualifications .
12 This stance is partly a reaction against what Krauss saw as a dominant position in American criticism , by which ‘ the art of the last hundred and thirty years , the art of modernism , is not being well served by writing that promotes the myths through which it can be consistently misread ’ .
13 The Spanish were sometimes justified in thinking that a pirate base was precisely what English companies had in mind ; in the 1630s the providence Island Company was set up by determined Protestants who thought that plundering Catholic ships would be rewarded in this world and the next , though other Englishmen , who settled informally on the east coast of central America , were concerned with felling trees and exporting logwood as a dye-stuff .
14 ( The point is only strengthened by noting that the Third World itself spans several deeply discrepant ideologies . )
15 House is perhaps mistaken in believing that individualist values have always held sway in the UK .
16 The propriety of using animals in scientific education and research is , however , dominated by esoteric debate to the extent that the average reader is easily overawed into thinking that there is no room for non-specialist opinion which is other than rattle-brained ( of which there is no lack ) .
17 That these two expressions relating to are equivalent is easily verified since it requires or The validity of this last relation is best seen by appreciating that , according to equations ( 9.1 ) and ( 9.2 ) , the characteristic impedances obey and Making use of equations ( 9.1 ) and ( 9.5 ) and writing the ratio as u , it follows from equations ( 9.3 ) and ( 9.4 ) that the transfer function of a T or Π-section of the form of ladder filter under consideration is given by In general u and hence will be complex and it is helpful at this juncture to put where γ is known as the propagation constant .
18 Perhaps their part is best summarised by remarking that if the brain is damaged at this region not only sexual capacity may be reduced but libido ( sexual urge ) may be reduced or may even be completely lost ; in the opposite direction , artificial stimulation by means of electrodes implanted in these parts of the brain can reproduce the sensations of orgasm and its phenomena — ejaculation etc .
19 For the purpose of asking whether a given set of people may be enslaved , or deprived of their property , or denied access to the law courts , or the like , decency is best served by remembering that these are beings as conscious and valuable as ourselves , sharing our vulnerabilities and sensibilities .
20 The closure error is usually treated by assuming that it is equally distributed over the polygon nodes whilst ensuring that neighbouring polygons are also corrected for any changes in point location .
21 Verification of the transcription phase is usually achieved by arranging that the data be punched twice by different individuals , the two versions being then compared by some automated means .
22 But the main point is this : that irrespective of whether an analysis is embarked upon from the position of an openly stated or tacitly assumed ontological bias , or whether , on the contrary , the question of an ultimate choice of basic ontological existents is deliberately left undecided , it is usually taken for granted that the concept of an ontological existent is in general well understood .
23 This is usually countered by arguing that there is a basic selection of knowledge and skills that a nurse must have to ensure competence , and teachers and curriculum planners are in a better position than students to know what these are .
24 It is now taken for granted that children will know their grandparents .
25 There , too , one can assign a co-ordination of properties , as in ( 44 ) , or a single complex property , ( 45 ) , but it is simply taken for granted that one does not produce grammatical monstrosities such as ( 46 ) and ( 47 ) with , respectively , simultaneous and successive ( but in neither case co-ordinated ) assignment of different properties .
26 It is increasingly taken for granted that any post-war reordering of the Middle East will include a fresh bid to break the Arab-Israeli impasse .
27 This ‘ gateway ’ PC is then used for checking that all incoming floppy disks are virus free .
28 This ‘ gateway ’ PC is then used for checking that all incoming floppy disks are virus free .
29 This is sometimes described by saying that the church has at last entered a ‘ post-Constantinian era ’ , an era in which the synthesis of Christianity and western culture and society ushered in by Constantine , the first Christian Emperor of Rome , has finally dissolved , and the church once more represents a social minority in an increasingly pluralistic age .
30 We often justify the fact that routinely-collected information is seldom used by saying that it is unreliable .
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