Example sentences of "be [adv] [coord] [adj] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In recent decades there has , however , been more and more chafing at this privileged position .
2 ‘ What sometimes appear to be new strategies decentralisation , management by objectives , consultative supervision , ‘ democratic ’ leadership are usually but old wine in new bottles , because the procedures derived to implement them are derived from the same inadequate assumptions about human nature …
3 It becomes a matter of redefining priorities in the short and long term rather than naturally assuming that all change means ‘ bolted-on ’ activity , Once LMS is embedded in the educational culture there is little doubt that resources should be freed as there will be less and less need for central staff to be employed in the day-to-day operational management of schools .
4 I am here and this husband of yours is not .
5 But , just as there is less and less surprise at managers studying for masters and doctoral qualifications , there is equally diminishing resistance to informal learning events involving learning sets , time out reviews , even one-to-one coaching .
6 It is merely that there is less and less justification for her position .
7 Because MPs enjoy such low status , because the work is so poorly paid , because the upper classes have largely abandoned ideas of ‘ service ’ , and because the selection process has killed off the old boy network , there is less and less interest in politics in the Conservatives ' traditional reservoir of support .
8 Charity Swindle There is still but one sponsor for my wicket-keeping efforts in the coming season .
9 In the present situation , there is more and more scope for adult or continuing education , with an older or academically late-developing constituency .
10 There 's more and more talk about the inability or unwillingness of the North Africans to adapt and conform .
11 What has happened , therefore , is a transfer of production from the field to the factory floor , so that the field is now but one stage of the production-line process .
12 I do n't know whether that is widely understood but I think it 's quite and important feature of our proposals .
13 As the pain became more intense there was less and less space for his mind to wander over things , undone things that suddenly took on ridiculous and unrealistic urgency , but his thoughts were still churning with his innards and he could not keep out stray fragments of enacted scenes any more than he could stop the brilliant black fish from swimming in the air past his eyes .
14 Helvin was already and established model in Japan when they met , and was becoming extremely popular in Europe .
15 There was more and more control by the Prime Minister .
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