Example sentences of "be [adv] [adj] to [be] take " in BNC.

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1 People who eat large quantities of such foods , and who also live in regions where nitrate levels in water are high — such as East Anglia — are most likely to be taking in nitrates above EC safety levels .
2 For the courts to have regard to Parliamentary material might necessitate changes in Parliamentary procedures to ensure that ministerial statements are sufficiently detailed to be taken into account .
3 In this respect the cinematic sign differs radically from the language of literature , where images are less likely to be taken at only the literal level .
4 Why should it have to be so difficult to be taken seriously ?
5 As ever , the people who will suffer from Labour 's failure are among those who are furthest removed from the political process ; who are most likely to believe that the outcome of the election has little to do with them ; and , hence , who are least likely to be taking part in the election postmortem on why Labour lost .
6 And some Microsoft-led protocols and specifications such as MAPI ( Windows Messaging Interface ) and ODBC ( Open Database Connectivity ) are almost certain to be taken up as industry-wide standards , says Sanders .
7 Its activity depended on its being sufficiently similar to be taken up by the chemical processes of the virus but sufficiently different to be useless to the virus and to jam its works .
8 ‘ Have you any equipment that is sufficiently light to be taken in a cab ? ’
9 To construct such a picture of the attractor , the values of the two variables.x(t) and y(t) are required , when t is sufficiently large to be taken as if
10 We believe it is morally wrong to be taking away residential accommodation , when there are so many people homeless in our society , and we should do something about it .
11 This may be because low staff turnover creates less need for induction and job training and more need for development training or it may be that job training is more likely to be taken for granted .
12 The domestically-oriented , nurturing talk of the miner 's wife , by contrast , is more likely to be taken as a product of her nature or her role than as a culturally-determined genre , and it is seen as something she shares with all other women .
13 He says he 's very happy to be taking part .
14 For instance , if father has lost his job , whispered conversations about money worries , which break off as soon as children come near , may give them the idea that a terrible disaster is about to strike , or even that they are too insignificant to be taken into their parents ' confidence .
15 She was obviously impatient to be taken out for a spin even though there was hardly puff enough to stir her anemometer .
16 Reed was built on an overgenerous scale , bull-necked and bulging in his grey pinstripe ; Wycliffe , slight of build , and rather pale , was more likely to be taken for an academic than a policeman ; hard to believe that he had served a tough apprenticeship on the beat in a Midland city .
17 The King of Blefuscu , however , replied that I was too strong to be taken prisoner , and that I would soon be returning to my country anyway .
18 The tree had survived because the square was too small to be taken seriously as a car park , and to make quite sure , some public-spirited individual had painted yellow lines round it .
19 Sydney Greenstreet was too old to be taking much of an interest , and had in any case become obsessed with some obscure quest of his own , neglecting his ‘ business ’ .
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