Example sentences of "be [adv] [adj] [subord] i [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I am so disappointed because I had the chance .
2 You 've ruined me , Piers Morrison , she thought angrily , staring at her reflection in the mirror as the prospect of a dreary Saturday evening faced her ; I might not have been terribly nice before I met you , but at least I was n't filled with this pain and dissatisfaction .
3 It would perhaps have been entirely adequate if I had received it in any normal circumstances .
4 With a wry smile , Ellie admitted , ‘ It would n't have been so hard if I 'd known what he was talking about . ’
5 I 've been so lucky since I saw you last , and I 'm so grateful for it ! ’
6 I 've been so happy since I met Garry .
7 They 're always surprised when I tell them there is no bread being baked , but that at one time the room below was a kitchen .
8 Now what we 're on about yeah as I were on about , that er what I do is , with days like this , cos you can never guarantee if they 're gon na be dry , wet or what , so I watch to see if it rains , if it do n't they 're virtually dry when I fetch them in .
9 ‘ They 're quite disappointed when I tell them they 're welcome , but there 's not much point bringing their bike . ’
10 The luncheon and exhibition had been more tiring than I had expected .
11 The instructors were all trained in the UK and could not have been more helpful when I asked at very short notice whether I could fly their Archer for £34 .
12 I had been at great pains to appear distant towards him and been more successful than I had thought I could be .
13 The results in my Mediterranean garden have been more successful than I 'd dared to hope .
14 It might have been more depressing if I had been otherwise ready to leave .
15 Some of the most exciting events have occurred in this imaginary place , and I am always disappointed when I visit Wood Green to find that no school , no schoolhouse , no children and , above all , no Miss Watson or Miss Fogerty are to be seen .
16 That was the point , I thought , but perhaps machines are more versatile than I have been informed they are .
17 ‘ You are more beautiful than I remember , ’ he murmured , his eyes alight , ‘ in spite of reducing yourself to a scarecrow . ’
18 Dear Irene , you are more beautiful than I remembered
19 Situations are more dynamic than I have been able to describe .
20 I 've done it now about four times and I am still scared when I do it .
21 Now I have already criticized recall and memory as a guide to advertising effectiveness , so I am clearly vulnerable when I adduce this sort of thing as evidence for long-term effects of advertising .
22 You say someone such as myself , but I am as far as I understand the housekeeper of this house , while your father is the under-butler . ’
23 Lake said : ‘ I was performing well and I am really disappointed as I have also had to withdraw from the doubles .
24 It has n't been as difficult as I thought it would be , so far … but I 'm determined not to have another smoke .
25 No , I would have done it exactly the same , I would have just hoped that I would have been as lucky as I have been .
26 I realized with a shock that this was the first time I had been really unhappy since I had been taken prisoner .
27 It 's another day , I have slept for more than ten hours and am now famished as I follow the smell of cooking to a spot behind the barn .
28 Build quality and sound are as good as I expected , so these guitars are definitely not poor relations .
29 I think I ought to see her again — just once , to reassure myself that all the old feelings really are as dead as I believe .
30 You are as wonderful as I expected , and I worship you for it .
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