Example sentences of "be [adv] [adv] [adj] [verb] that " in BNC.

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1 Compared with younger age groups , older people are much more likely to suggest that improved prosperity has brought about improved health , while younger people are more convinced of the importance of health education .
2 Although it does not in fact provide a justification , we are much less inclined to say that it does not .
3 It had been all very well announcing that he was going to make a privateering cruise , but the preparations for it and the difficulties in getting a crew together had been enormous .
4 I am all too ready to admit that I may have misunderstood what I have read in modern French theory ; the problem is in getting any minimal intellectual purchase on it at all .
5 Lyons , in fact , concedes ( b ) : ‘ I am only too prepared to accept that in other traditions scribal records either are not or are not seen to be intrinsically more reliable than memory and oral transmission . ’
6 I am so very glad to hear that my darlings are all making such splendid improvement .
7 ‘ In general , I think it 's slightly unfair when you 've got someone who 's considered a virtuoso player such as Mark King — he 's obviously very talented , but his basses are so incredibly easy to play that it seems a bit of a cheat to me .
8 These questions are so plainly hard to answer that it is worth pausing to consider why they have not had more effect on the development of International Relations theories .
9 You have up here you 've got neither win lose but it 's like it 's a respectable thing you know you respect each other you do n't trust them completely and you do n't co-operate completely but they just respect just not you 're just not willing to go that further little bit and it becomes more of a more of a rather than a win lose or a win win it 's more of a people half and half okay I 'll give this much if you give that much .
10 Such men are also most likely to consider that they are well-endowed .
11 I do keep an eye on my colour changer to make sure that it is picking up each colour as it should and I am also very careful to check that I have no ‘ lazy ’ or less than perfect needles as picking up dropped stitches is not a pleasant job .
12 Defendants are often very keen to say that they will not pay for a disbursement in respect of a report that they have not seen .
13 Knowing how radio sets are typically organized we would be much more likely to conclude that the whole circuit was working incorrectly .
14 Iraq would be much more justified to say that she spent lots of money on military equipment so that she could invade other countries like Iran to gain more land .
15 It would be far too glib to suggest that he consciously made the second change , to adopt Christianity , merely to give himself an excuse to abandon sexual relations with Mrs Moore , whatever the nature of those relations had been .
16 And they 'll be even more pleased to hear that Henry escapes , and will never be turned into pork chops and sausages .
17 He will be even more interested to know that , through the grapevine , I have heard that one Labour county councillor in my constituency supports the application and that another Labour county councillor , who publicly opposes it , privately supports it because she has a child at Torrells comprehensive school .
18 In fact it would be even more true to say that they conversed largely by the sign method , overcoming any difficulties which might have arisen over differences m mother tongues .
19 It would be even more fanciful to claim that the animal has plans .
20 Her family , though not her friends , would have been even more astonished to learn that Camille considered herself an idealist .
21 The hon. Gentleman has been here sufficiently long to know that yesterday 's decision by the House was simply to give leave to bring in a Bill .
22 Those who did respond were much more likely to say that little or no contribution was fair .
23 Hough and Mayhew ( 1988 ) regard these figures as underestimates and Worrall and Pease ‘ s ( 1986 ) re-analysis of the BCS data which looked at all crimes , and attempted crimes , involving contact and where the victim could identify whether or not they knew the offender , found that women were much more likely to say that they knew the offender well and that the offender was a spouse in nearly 40 per cent of cases .
24 Upper socio-economic single girls were much more likely to say that they did not use soap and water because it would ruin their skin .
25 Most recent historians would agree that the Hammonds were much too reluctant to accept that there was even serious talk of revolution , although the majority do not go so far as Thompson in their assessment of the seriousness of the threat .
26 A public that had seen income tax rise fivefold in five years were only too ready to believe that their money was being wasted .
27 Their mobile phone link had failed after just one call , and when darkness finally fell , they were no longer able to signal that they were well .
28 It is altogether more surprising to find that quantum mechanics also causes us to re-evaluate words like " and " and " or " .
29 In fact , it is all too easy to conclude that if one 's message is misunderstood , the receiver is at fault ; and if the other person 's attempt to communicate is not understood , then the other person 's mode of expression is deficient in some way .
30 By emphasising style of leadership and the importance of human relations , it is all too easy to forget that a manager is primarily responsible for ensuring that tasks are done efficiently and effectively .
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