Example sentences of "be [adv] [adv] [adj] [be] that " in BNC.

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1 What is rather more strange is that Jenkins should portray the postponement of the positivist revolution as being an anti-radical step .
2 What is perhaps most startling is that so many agents of educational change — local education officers and education committees — remained so untouched by the principles .
3 What is perhaps more significant is that a new minister will also find that his department is developing new policies .
4 What is perhaps more disturbing is that many existing IT specialists do not appear to be aware of some fundamental principles involved in designing reliable , " user-friendly " and " environment-friendly " information systems .
5 What is much less clear is that it is the answer to all problems , or that it has even solved the problems its proponents themselves recognized .
6 What is much more certain is that it was a huge release for him , a safety valve by which the loner could open up , expand and express himself .
7 And I think that even patients with lung cancer find it impossible to smo , stop smoking That is , perhaps , not so important , but what is much more important is that their families find it impossible to stop smoking !
8 What is far more important is that the balance between land and labour , which had been favourable to labour for about a century and a half , was now tilting back decisively in favour of the landowner .
9 What is even more surprising is that there was little celebration of the inauguration of this unique technical phenomenon in the engineering press .
10 What is even more astonishing is that you can see the Wellestream more easily with every passing year .
11 What is even more odd is that like the AV the STV is allowed to retain its original unitary value however often it is transferred and whatever its preferential status .
12 What is even more amazing is that Jesus does not meet the centurion either .
13 What is even more frightening is that the decision-making down here — I am not talking only about the Government , but about the media and the City of London — is conditioned by the thinking of the south-east and of London in particular .
14 What is even more significant is that 24 different players have shared the scoring honours , emphasising the team 's strength .
15 And what 's even more sure is that he will do it in some style .
16 What 's even more amazing is that the Heartbreakers ' music is both memorable and professional , something which is seemingly least expected from a New Wave band .
17 But what is then especially interesting is that the cultural process of including and incorporating areas of the oral culture into printed forms is very complex indeed , and in some important respects contradictory .
18 ‘ But what was quickly very clear was that the oil scene was never going to be the same again .
19 What was even more worrying was that she had never cried and even when he remonstrated with her and told her bluntly that their two children were dead and buried she just smiled and turned away .
20 The England pace attack laboured in vain yet again , and what was even more worrying was that the selectors toyed with the idea of once more playing four quick bowlers .
21 What was even more surprising was that the change had been instituted by her new coach Harold Solomon , who was a confirmed baseliner in his playing days .
22 What was even more surprising was that this Union , so unnatural to France , should still endure after nearly two years of war and reverses .
23 What was even more alarming was that the American president believed North to be some sort of hero .
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