Example sentences of "be [adv] [prep] [noun sg] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Husbands or wives who are away on business tell their other halves which hotel they will be staying at .
2 We are just in time to tell you that October is ‘ National Hand Knitting Month ’ .
3 ‘ You 're just in time to give me a hand . ’
4 ‘ You 're just in time to give me a hand . ’
5 ‘ Mummy 's on stage , you 're just in time to button me up . ’
6 You 're here in time to forestall my assailant . ’
7 Our knowledgeable staff are always on hand to help you with your requirements , be they large or small , and our prices will pleasantly surprise you ( though not our competitors ! ) .
8 Amiel is the first reputable dealer to be prosecuted , but more than 100 others as well as auction houses across America are now under subpoena to explain what they thought they were selling .
9 A programme by which the US military was to have contributed to environmental research has stalled in the face of congressional scepticism , but efforts are now under way to revive it .
10 But all that would not be enough without Connery to focus it .
11 ‘ One , ’ he said , ‘ I 'm legally of age to conduct my life as I wish .
12 I 'm going back with Celia but I shall be here in time to get your breakfast in the morning . ’
13 Obviously members are quite at liberty to use their own forms , should they wish .
14 Only the fact that the streets were also under construction made them passable ; one made one 's way cautiously from one mound of earth to another .
15 According to natural law , the journos were there in force to see them play , sans ‘ Beefy ’ in The Parks where the scribblers and photo journalists and cameras apparently almost outnumbered the spectators .
16 Our kits are easy to assemble and our extensive knowledge and experience is always on hand to help you achieve the best possible end result .
17 The accuser of the brethren is always on hand to accuse them of being a failure or out , of the will of God .
18 Gillian Mulcare is often very busy breeding Charolais sheep and growing vegetables , but despite this she is always on hand to assist her guests .
19 The fact that the main course of events is hardly in dispute conceals our ignorance of the real process .
20 But the cyclist was under no obligation to give the constable his name and address , and although the constable is perfectly at liberty to ask his questions , the citizen is under no obligation to answer them .
21 An appeal is well under way to buy one for each of the county 's 30 ambulances .
22 It is well worth while to leave plenty of time to help the children to do all the clearing up themselves .
23 Sometimes this may feel like a military strategy and it is quite in order to treat it this way : to plot and plan to take the fortress which is your imaginary castle , your silent , fertile abode , despite the background of your everyday tasks and obligations .
24 It is therefore of importance to establish what will constitute a pecuniary interest .
25 I am currently in therapy to enable myself to hear the song Schiehallion , Schiehallion without the scent of tomato soup filling my nostrils and the overwhelming urge to murder .
26 So maybe it was somewhere on mat land me chopper has put down .
27 Turned back to Ormanroyd who could n't control it first time and that was enough for Forest to win it back .
28 Tumbling blearily on deck in my pyjamas I was confronted by the huge bulk of a klondyke trawler ramming alongside us , and I was just in time to see her huge fender catch our motor dory and sink her where she was tied to our stern .
29 It was 03.17 and I was just in time to see him climb into a waiting car and drive off .
30 Alan , who was still at school taking his ‘ A ’ levels , said that he and other rugby-playing friends used to attend the discos of the Young Liberals .
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