Example sentences of "be [adv] [adj] [verb] [adv prt] with " in BNC.

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1 They are so keen to get on with it that they can be guaranteed to see the rabbit before any human and are fast off the mark .
2 Because , while being regressed , the patient is well aware of his or her present-day persona in addition to the previous one , Myra found it very distressing to think that she had been so happy to go along with all Hugh 's demands .
3 You 're less likely to end up with gaps and assumptions . ’
4 intended to stay , because the immediate reaction to something like that happening is n't necessarily erm , all bad , I mean people are quite glad that they are still alive and they 're quite prepared to put up with the possible fallout of the consequences of that so that they can stay in their own homes .
5 I am usually able to come up with an idea
6 Most aphids can grow up either as a wingless stationary form or a winged migratory form ; they are more likely to grow up with wings if the local population density is high .
7 During this period of numbness , people are perfectly able to carry on with the practicalities of living .
8 ‘ Listen , I do n't know what you 're up to now , but let me make it quite clear that I 'm only prepared to put up with you for the sake of the station and my job .
9 You 'd be so nice to wake up with
10 And in a sense , he actually very neatly defined several different points without getting his knickers in a twist , and wearing different hats it would be so easy to come out with a muddled thing which would end up by being him feeling uncomfortable but him also being part of the Government and the Atomic Energy Authority .
11 Why do people seem to be so anti-gipsy to start out with ?
12 ‘ I 'm really keen to meet up with Elvis again . ’
13 Now going back to this handicraft , although I said I really did n't want to be committed to all the meetings , I 'm quite happy to carry on with the handicraft , providing you do n't expect me to turn up at every meeting .
14 so I think in a way it would be quite nice to sit down with somebody from each of the colleges to hammer out the syllabus because Napier will see it from Napier 's point of view about what 's easiest for them to teach and what this and what the other whereas I suspect if you also sat down with and and people you might get a broader discussion base
15 Even allowing it the benefit of this doubt , our hypothetical small party would be very unlikely to end up with more than the same percentage of seats , 8.4 , as the Irish party .
16 Beware ! if you take too long they remove their shell , change colour and are even harder to keep up with .
17 Beware ! if you take too long they remove their shell , change colour and are even harder to keep up with .
18 But fretbuzz is a very subjective thing ; I 've met a number of players who will sacrifice all for a low playing action and are quite happy to put up with extraneous noises that others would run a mile to avoid .
19 And they are quite happy to put up with what I would term the inconvenience of going there and back each day
20 They were both amazed to find that because of the war scare young men who had been quite content to go out with them on their terms suddenly wanted to start serious courting .
21 According to Professor Thomis , it is " an area of agreement " that wages were generally unable to keep up with steeply rising food prices , while Mathias , pointing to rising money wages as a feature of the period , concludes that inflating prices generally outpaced them .
22 Nonetheless , it was also pointed out that screening could be effective in uncovering treatable conditions which sufferers were otherwise likely to put up with as simply the inevitable consequence of old age .
23 The old and infirm who were too feeble to keep up with the band were left behind to die .
24 As luck would have it , Jean-Claude found he needed some old scores he had put to one side as they were too heavy to bring along with everything else we had had to load on the motor cycle .
25 The person in the centre who is most likely to link up with the systems verifier is the SCOTVEC co-ordinator .
26 She 's obviously prepared to put up with your terms .
27 He accepts it 's extremely difficult to come up with conclusive evidence that violent films cause violent behaviour , but that a series of studies in America 20 years ago suggested it was a factor .
28 It 's best just to put up with it .
29 Overall what stands out from intercity comparisons such as these is that firstly , London 's difficulties are echoed elsewhere , which is comforting since it is generally easier to put up with a problem if you know that others share it .
30 Contestant , Fiona , says she 's just eager to get on with the game as soon as possible .
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