Example sentences of "be [det] [adj] [noun] be being " in BNC.

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1 The cultured , husky voice rises and shakes out an incandescence of brilliant obscenity , of sexual and visceral allusion , the stripped message being that serious work is being interrupted by trivialities which someone else should be dealing with .
2 One of these is that urban foxes are being dumped in the countryside .
3 The ‘ danger ’ is that natural processes are being fundamentally altered by human activities and , once begun , these changes can not be switched off .
4 However , the editorial 's interpretation of this situation was that private life was being ‘ nationalised ’ , and that there was an ‘ irrelevant and intrusive public discussion of personal matters . ’
5 The impression in one village was that foreign broadcasts were being listened to everywhere , and that the ‘ text of leaflets , accusing Hitler of having started the war with every country , was approved , and the Führer cursed and damned ’ .
6 What was therefore happening during the period reviewed by Bacon and Eltis was that British capital was being invested either abroad , where profit returns were higher and easier to achieve , or in finance companies in this country where again profitability was higher than in industry .
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