Example sentences of "be [vb pp] into a [adj -er] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 May I put some of the comments that have been made into a broader context .
2 McDonald's ' is typical of an old well-established firm which has been absorbed into a larger manufacturing group and modernized .
3 but from this precise description we are drawn into a larger concept :
4 Both management and operatives are locked into a closer relationship , with both mutual benefits and disadvantages .
5 They are locked into a broader pattern of support which spans the three generations of parents and children , rather than existing on their own terms .
6 A final decision about segmentation would not be made until at least some words had been integrated into a higher level .
7 The Polish origins had been almost eroded , but not quite ; they had been overlaid with heavy Cockney , which , in turn , had been flattened into a classier accent as Steen climbed the social ladder .
8 The rationale was simple : if arsenic could be made into a better drug by incorporating it into an organic compound , why not mercury ?
9 It is envisaged that the role of the clinical teacher as such will be subsumed into a wider role of teacher practitioner , who may have additional specialist knowledge and who is likely to be ward or unit based .
10 For example , a prediction can be tied into a later encounter in the Castle , or to an encounter on the way back to the adventurers ' base .
11 The structure of dialogue , moreover , disallows the taking up of any position beyond the interlocutors from which they can be integrated into a larger totality .
12 This had flowered and fruited and , although too late to be included in the Dictionary it might be brought into a later supplement because several new plants had been omitted once their initial letter had been passed in the main work .
13 Data must always be put into a fuller perspective in order to be useful .
14 Computer and office paper , for instance , is in demand and may be recycled into a lower quality , but still very good product .
15 At the very least , the CEGB should be divided into a wider range of generating companies to stimulate competition .
16 My impression that I had been hurled into a coarser world was heightened at the beginning of each day , particularly one morning when I was on fire picket duty and had the sadistic pleasure of rattling the dustbin lids and shouting " wakey-wakey ! " along the corridors .
17 Japanese workers are encouraged into a greater sense of dependency on their firm and their immediate work groups .
18 Public enterprises have been forced into a greater orientation to the market by increasing exposure to competition and a relaxation of their statutory monopolies : a strategy used most notably by the post-1979 Conservative government in Britain .
19 You need a four base width formation to get your rank bonuses , but it is better to sacrifice the bonus in favour of avoiding being dragged into a broader combat .
20 Glasgow companies are being coaxed into a greener approach to business today as the Made from Recycle ‘ 93 conference gets underway .
21 However when we look outwards and see what is happening in South Africa to trade unionists there , the scale of our problems is put into a truer perspective .
22 She moved to London after the break-up of her marriage and became a prison visitor some time after Teamwork Associates was swallowed into a larger body .
23 Just as Paris was to be linked to the sea via the Seine estuary after Philip 's conquest of Normandy , so the emergent capital of Capetian France was brought into a closer relationship to the wealth of the Low Countries through the absorption of Artois .
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