Example sentences of "be [vb pp] into [noun sg] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In short-sighted people , images are brought into focus just in front of the retina , so distant things are blurred .
2 The incident log file will contain a report of all modules which could be entered into LIFESPAN together with the associated DC number and the name of the package through which it is being entered .
3 Ambiguity tests of the third kind utilise the fact that independent senses of a lexical form are antagonistic to one another ; that is to say , they can not be brought into play simultaneously without oddness .
4 Many species are having to be brought into captivity merely as an emergency measure because we can not act fast enough , or effectively enough , in the wild and we do not know enough about most plants and animals to conserve them .
5 They can be translated into English either by using a similar ‘ dummy ’ subject , They speak English , where they does not refer to a specific agent , or by using the passive voice , English is spoken .
6 Course adjustments may be put into effect immediately in the case of full-time courses , while , in order to protect the interests of part-time students locked into the Institution 's examination programme , adequate forward notice and even a transitional period with parallel diets , have had to be offered .
7 There must be some other factors that have not been taken into consideration properly at some stage in the passage from idea generation to marketing .
8 Overweight is caused by eating more energy-giving foods than are needed , so that the excess is turned into fat instead of being burned up .
9 The generation of meaning unintended by the author , in the reading process , is dependent on a structure of intended meaning : the Hilary-Joy equivalence in Small World , for instance , is brought into play partly by the percipience of A. S. Byatt and partly by the fact that that novel is by intention full of doubles and pairs and symmetries and heavily connotative names .
10 If so , make a note on your file accordingly , as it is easily overlooked and your buyer client could end up being asked to pay that particular figure twice unless it is taken into account either at exchange of contracts or on completion .
11 He was diverted into politics both by his upbringing in a Liberal tradition and by his marriage in 1890 to Georgina Fleetwood , daughter of George Pargiter Fuller , of Neston Park , a neighbouring squire and Liberal MP .
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