Example sentences of "be [vb pp] as [pron] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 However , no City lawyers or top barristers are included as they rarely touch the lives of ordinary people .
2 Our pattern will be displayed as we originally designed it in the Fair Isle option , but we are about to make some changes .
3 Door bars may require to be replaced as they often buckle when being lifted .
4 This resistance can only be overcome as you gently persuade and cajole subordinates to expand their horizons .
5 If the bill were to be passed as it now stands it would result in the restriction , and even removal , of presently existing freedoms for evangelistic work .
6 Robin Maynard , a campaigner for Friends of the Earth , said : ‘ It 's a hidden problem ; most farmers do n't know soil is being eroded as they increasingly rely on a mixture of new strains of crops , fertilisers and farm equipment . ’
7 They were both attacked , one having a violent headache , the other being possessed as I now realised I had been .
8 Three police cars were damaged as they effectively rammed the metro and brought it to a stop .
9 His ambitions were fulfilled as he rightly claimed that his cars won more races than any other model .
10 The trio , who were linked on security force computers to 32 murders , were killed as they apparently tried to murder a retired UDR man on a remote Co Tyrone road .
11 Moments later his suspicions were confirmed as it gradually slid open .
12 For the salvation offered by God to men and women … took on , from the Old Testament Prophets onwards , the privileged form of a nuptial mystery : for God the Chosen People is seen as his ardently loved spouse …
13 If I do need to remove the fish can you give me any suggestions on housing them temporarily while the tank is cleaned as I only have one tank .
14 This arrangement was terminated as it apparently consumed too much valuable wood .
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