Example sentences of "be [vb pp] but [pron] [be] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Almost twenty separate categories are listed but there are also pages and pages of other activities which defy classification .
2 Charges have now been dropped but there is still some doubt as to whether Mme Huyghe will be reinstated .
3 Recent cases have explored the extension of industrial building relief to some categories of buildings that have never been occupied but which were clearly capable of industrial use .
4 I I think we 're all very interested in what 's been said but I 'm very concerned that we 're not actually talking about those silent majority of children
5 With children , your alternative is hard but I think it 's like a John Donne paradox : you 're bound but you 're also free ’ .
6 Premier League chief Rick Parry has been invited but it is only for the 14 clubs .
7 In the end he presents it as a solution to the problem which he had been set but it is really nothing of the sort .
8 This shrine has long been abandoned but it is still a place of great power and of deep significance to both the Elves and the Dark Elves .
9 I have been introduced but there is only one small point and .
10 For example it is well known that asthma and eczema are linked but what is frequently overlooked is the way that a person 's asthma can be bad at a time when their eczema is quiet and their eczema can be its worst when the asthma is quiet .
11 The lines of the formerly integrated drainage systems can be traced but they are only used by present-day floods in their upper tracts , so forming a characteristically disintegrated pattern .
12 With four more rounds to go King can not be caught but he was still disappointed when he spoke afterwards about a race during which victory was snatched from his grasp only a few miles from the finish .
13 And , if the situation with regard to individual psychological development and the evolution of culture is as I have represented it , then this is merely the first of many profound insights into the psychology of the ego — and perhaps most especially the superego — which can be expected but which were totally unobtainable as long as the individualistic fallacy blocked the way .
14 Team sizes can be varied but they are always made up of an odd number of competitors .
15 The school did not take a very romantic view of these broad assessments : teachers knew when sanctions had to be applied but they were also aware that pupils realized the power of reward .
16 He may be scratched but he 's as clean .
17 Questionnaires and achievement scores may be used but they are rarely given high priority .
18 As Rowntree put it , life on the poverty line is governed by the regulation that ‘ nothing must be bought but what is absolutely necessary for the maintenance of physical health ’ ( Rowntree , 1941 , p. 103 ) .
19 We have been told that finances for health and safety will be found but we were never told from where that money would come from .
20 What form other help took will never be known but there was certainly no need for two-way radios or car jacks .
21 Condition ‘ The lad needs to be involved but it 's still too early for me to say whether he will play in that game . ’
22 China would not wish Russian interest in Korea to be increased but it was more likely that a regime headed by Kim Il Sung would move along lines independent of Moscow .
23 as , I do n't know in what sense it was supposed to be taken but it 's just sort of outlining some objectives .
24 He felt Willi was wanting to be reassured but he was just too tired and ill to bother .
25 The distinction does arise and it can not entirely be neglected but it is much less important than appears at first sight .
26 Peter Coffey , director of Wirral City Lands initiative , said alternative access routes had been investigated but they were either not feasible or extremely expensive .
27 Parts are still at this time being occupied but it is almost certain before long that the whole of the building will be condemned and we hope that this old building will be preserved and not allowed to fall into decay .
28 The Japanese were obviously being defeated but it was far from certain when this would finally be accomplished .
29 The police were called but nobody was ever charged .
30 Therefore it is true to say that , when a person stiffens the neck muscles and pulls back the head , not only is the body 's natural coordination being obstructed but it is also being prevented from returning to its natural state of ease and equilibrium .
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