Example sentences of "be [vb pp] that they have [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Certainly anyone who has ever had a severe , immediate reaction to a food is likely to react in the same way if they are told that they have consumed some of the same food .
2 Indeed , it could be said that they had prospered .
3 It could be said that they have abandoned whole areas of their responsibility to the national museums .
4 They were relieved to be told that they had done well , and also that these tests were not that accurate after all .
5 But on closer examination it can usually be found that they have used very selected samples that are not representative of sexual offenders as a whole .
6 But it can not be denied that they had neglected their fixed charities .
7 After three quarters of an hour the advocates were informed that they had decided to defer any statement of their reasons and their conclusion as to the appropriate orders for a period of approximately 10 days until 3 February 1992 .
8 ( d ) If , on the true construction of the articles , the directors are entitled to reject only on certain prescribed grounds and it is proved that they have rejected on others , the court will intervene .
9 Examples of these have been sent to employers , and it is hoped that they have had wide distribution .
10 It is estimated that they have fallen from a peak of £62 a square foot to £38 .
11 By which is meant that they have developed their ability to focus both senses and mind upon a thought process .
12 In effect , the suggestion is that the sudden change of mind on the part of the local authority after receipt of the guardian 's report in January 1992 constituted an admission that their previous decision about the children was wholly wrong and , moreover , it is suggested that they have mismanaged their care of these children in specific regards .
13 It is suggested that they have changed for the better , while we have not .
14 It was said that they had met only hours earlier .
15 Shortly after his death it was alleged that they had co-operated with him in altering entries on their own plea rolls at his house .
16 When the fixed horizontal tailplanes were examined it was found that they had failed symmetrically and the upper skin on each side had completely separated in major sections .
17 When a visit was made to the company premises , it was found that they had left , leaving their livestock , very little of which survived .
18 The descriptions were perfect , even to George 's crooked thumb , but it was rumoured that they had fled north to Newcastle after spending some time in the Midlands .
19 After seven hours of talks it was announced that they had signed a peace agreement .
20 N.G. Attenborough and his crew were killed , although it was believed that they had flown into a balloon barrage .
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