Example sentences of "be [vb pp] for [pron] [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 There was nothing to spare unless he used the rupee that he had been given for his own food .
2 If he wins a subsequent bout also by disqualification , then he must be withdrawn for his own safety , since it is obvious that , in this tournament at least , he is not protecting himself adequately .
3 Should comparison be undertaken for its own sake simply out of intrinsic interest or intellectual challenge , or should it be directed towards some more closely-defined objective ?
4 He will be enmeshed for his own good in the electric wires which bring with them life-giving energy to make the farm fertile .
5 For a start , making love does not have to consist of vaginal penetration ; and time spent reassuring , cuddling , caressing , fantasising and laughing together can be enjoyed for its own sake , or to reduce the tension so that you can relax sufficiently to enjoy intercourse .
6 Trying to repair the damage done to McKendrick 's positive face , he asks to be excused for his own inadequacies : Anderson 's upholding of the modesty maxim is augmented by the emphasis he puts on the sincerity of his apology ( the tonic syllable in the first sentence falling on " am " ) , stressing that he is fulfilling the felicity conditions ( Searle : 1969 ) for that speech act .
7 The subject can be pursued for its own satisfaction .
8 It captures the idea that humanity should be respected for its own sake , so that people should not be treated in organizations solely as the means in an economizing process .
9 For some reason many professionals believe that they must do all they have time to do for people with problems , though without thinking through their view that this is ‘ good ’ professional practice : it tends to be done for its own sake .
10 Analysis can be done for its own sake ( or pure knowledge ) in order to see into what parts something can be coherently divided .
11 This state is characterised by a full differentiation of the individual as a person ( through the ego process ) from objects which can then be valued for their own sake and can be related with in both a giving and receiving fashion .
12 But no land , nor any building , should be preserved for its own sake and remain unused .
13 That is more than I can say about the Liberal Democrats , who seem to be headed for their own Westminster bunker en masse , or for Robin Cook , Clare Short , John Prescott or Chris Smith — all of whose views I would in normal times respect and follow with interest .
14 And the early reading of P P G seven it seems to me it 's apparent that the principle messages are that the development in open countryside should be strictly controlled , and I would underline that point strictly controlled , and that the countryside should be safeguarded for its own sake and non-renewable and natural resources should be afforded protection .
15 We 've erm we 've had quotes from from from Government policies from P P G seven 's been mentioned twice quoting paragraph two point one protection er that the countryside should be safeguarded for its own sake and I know that there is a tendency to quote Government policy to back your own case .
16 As university funding has come to hinge on publication , this has been encouraged for its own sake .
17 The denial of ageism can go further , with older people often being blamed for their own situation .
18 The internal organization of the company does not provide an adequate safeguard against the power of the managers being used for their own ends ; and the imposition of fiduciary duties does not ensure that the discretion of the managers is only exercised either in accordance with the wishes of the shareholders or in accordance only with the expertise of the managers , since both these concepts prove impossibly difficult to define .
19 Cawarden 's entrepreneurial skills were used for his own benefit as well as that of the monarch .
20 Between 20 and 24 new hotels in the U.K. are being planned for which this order ( for hotels in Northampton and Maidstone ) represent a fraction of the full potential .
21 But we know children can be at risk from even well-qualified professionals appointed to care for them ( not least in children 's homes to which they have been sent for their own welfare and safety ) , or from parents not burdened by a ‘ learning difficulty ’ label ( witness the recent ‘ home alone ’ cases here and in the United States ) .
22 Each cylinder head ( ‘ pot ’ ) is individually cleaned and is readied for its own route through the system .
23 No doubt people must study management or business ; but until they cross the boundaries of the social or economic sciences — until the knowledge becomes such as is sought for its own sake and organised to illuminate human life and history — management and business studies are not education ; and then they are management and business studies no longer .
24 This is done for its own sake but it is found that the primary sufferer will quite commonly seek treatment through his or her appropriate Anonymous Fellowship within a few months of the family member seeking his or her own recovery .
25 Feynman , who died in 1988 , is remembered for his many contributions to theoretical physics .
26 Some poor animal , some poor travesty that has been imprisoned for its own safety and the safety of others .
27 Madeleine was awarded for her many hours spent with the elderly , helping with cooking , shopping or driving , as well as her work for the social services .
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