Example sentences of "be [vb pp] to be [adj] [that] " in BNC.

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1 A trade union or union official calling its members out on strike is therefore protected but it has been said to be arguable that an individual striker has no protection against a claim that he uses unlawful means when he withdraws his labour because this situation does not appear to fall within section 13(1) .
2 His White House advisers are said to be worried that the Energy Department is still too keen on conservation and regulation .
3 Banks are said to be concerned that they could be liable for pollution from land or property they take as security , and insurers say they may not be able to offer environmental cover in future , restricting coverage to sudden or accidental pollution .
4 Recent reports have suggested some local authorities are putting pressure on the government to settle early and avoid huge payouts ; they 're said to be concerned that if the case is drawn out , more haemophiliacs will die , and in the event of the ruling going against the government , relatives will be eligible for compensation .
5 The Nairacs , now in their eighties , declined to comment , but they 're said to be hopeful that one day they WILL be able to give their son a proper burial .
6 Other directors are understood to be satisfied that he was not implicated in the fraud and had no knowledge of it .
7 Amongst its conclusions , the report welcomes the emphasis being placed by the DSS and Social Security Benefits Agency ( SSAB ) on ‘ customer care ’ , and the recognition that much remains to be done to be sure that an adequate service is given .
8 It might additionally be thought to be undesirable that trivial assaults have to be prosecuted with an offence carrying the heavy maximum penalty of ten years ' imprisonment .
9 As the solar luminosity rose some of this CO 2 would have been liberated , but it can be shown to be unlikely that sufficient CO 2 would be liberated to yield present conditions .
10 This is an area where the concepts of sampling theory , mentioned at the start of this chapter , can again prove useful : sampling schemes can balance these two objectives by determining the minimum labour that must be invested to be satisfied that the correct conclusions have been reached .
11 It is because such interfaces are believed to be dangerous that men act as they do in ritual situations .
12 Several directors are believed to be unhappy that he has kept details of the negotiations from them .
13 However , human rights groups were reported to be confident that the evidence supplied by the mass graves would prove that the Army had committed " crimes against humanity " which were not covered by the 1978 amnesty law which pardoned officers accused of human rights violations .
14 Several Cabinet ministers were reported to be outraged that she had failed to consult them , depriving them of the opportunity to try to persuade her to step down in favour of a more plausible ‘ unity ’ , or ‘ stop Heseltine ’ , candidate from within the Cabinet .
15 well we were considered to be fortunate that we did n't , we only had a small percentage that we had a problem with
16 The Nigerian federal authorities were said to be concerned that the rioting could lead to polarization of the country 's Christian and Moslem areas , threatening plans to install an elected civilian government in 1992 .
17 Well er the I mean there has been a slight complexity with the replacement er programme of course because er er E F two thousand was originally envisaged that it would replace the phantoms er as as as as well as the jaguars and now that er has altered with the decision in options to er get rid of er the phantom squadrons , we 've er been able to adjust the replacement programme such that er the aircraft E F two thousand will replace er the erm er the jaguar and some of the F threes er and the programme will be adjusted such that we get er the most cost effective er mixture of replacement of those two types and there is no problem with keeping the jaguar going until that stage and it may well be it is , is being judged to be cheaper that we should er do some F three replacement at the same time , again partly for cost reasons because it 's gon na be more cost effective to do it that way .
18 ’ Louise is expected to be grateful that Gustave 's far-sightedness has spared her such an unsatisfactory life .
19 Commenting on his purchase , McCartney is said to be delighted that the land is now ‘ free from the huntsmen . ’
20 Although prices have not been announced , Land-Rover is said to be keen that the turbodiesel Discovery should undercut the £17,859 Mitsubishi Shogun five-door turbodiesel .
21 Motorola Inc is said to be concerned that the move will fuel suggestions that the 88000 RISC chip is dead even though the company may be at least partially responsible for the shortfall in 88open 's funding .
22 The DoH legal departments is said to be worried that children in care could take civil action against staff and , by implication , the government if staff pursue the tough line thought to be recommended .
23 The phasor potential difference across the capacitance C lags 90° behind the phasor potential difference VR across the resistance R , assuming negligible loading of the output taken between terminals P and O , while All of these aspects are maintained in the phasor diagram of figure 8.12(b) and its geometry is seen to be such that the point P moves over a circle , centre O , as the resistance R is varied .
24 It is thought to be unlikely that the action will be settled out of court , and prospects of a rapprochement between the OSF and Sun — that were just beginning to be talked about ( UX No 379 , 380 ) — now appear remote .
25 But the legal profession is understood to be concerned that such a move would compromise the impartial working of the Forensic Science Laboratories .
26 If however the desired labour supply exceeds that demanded , L D , the consumer is rationed on this market and utility is maximized subject to the constraint L s = L D ( the process of rationing is assumed to be such that each worker is employed for the same fraction of the desired L s ) .
27 He 's meant to be good that good he were n't fucking no good last night keeping up with us was he ?
28 This letter is required where the firm is leading an agreed public offer ( i.e. subject to the Takeover Code ) and is required to be satisfied that our client is able to implement the offer
29 More instances that this are required to be certain that the possible parts of speech of the word are found .
30 American policy was already characterised by the traits that existed to 25 June 1950 : it was felt to be undesirable that the Soviet Union should incorporate Korea within her sphere of interest yet there was little inclination in Washington to commit the United States deeply to supporting whatever kind of government emerged in the south .
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