Example sentences of "be [vb pp] to [conj] [pron] be " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It may not be what you 're used to but it 's better to get things straight from the start , is n't it ?
2 ‘ What we are trying to do is provide women with the sort of club environment that men are used to and they are not , so that they can relax and talk about business .
3 ‘ They were the sort of people who twenty-five years ago would have been deferred to because they were gents .
4 So that in my judgment that regulation can be referred to because it is embodied in the Act itself and , having a quasi-parliamentary validity , is a good indication of the wishes of the legislature , just as much as if it were enacted in the Act itself .
5 What is important , however , is that when statistics on incidence and prevalence enter the public and professional domains we should be clear exactly what behaviour is being referred to and what is included in the operational definition of abuse .
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