Example sentences of "be [vb pp] to [be] [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 If these enhancements and/or modifications are recognized to be universally applicable , will carry out the necessary work and will bear the cost of this .
2 It 's not they have not yet been developed to be wholly reliable , and there are problems to be solved to do with the fluctuation in the wind power , but I think perhaps some of those are exaggerated .
3 Thus there is generally a presumption that business agreements are intended to be legally binding , and the courts generally accept an element of imprecision in business agreements so that " the dealings of men may so far as possible be treated as effective and that the law may not incur the reproach of being the destroyer of bargains " ( per Lord Tomlin in Hillas v Arcos [ 1932 ] All ER Rep 494 , at p499 ) .
4 Abstracts are intended to be as concise as the nature of a particular topic being dealt with allows and not to be detailed rule-books dealing with every conceivable circumstance . ’
5 They are designed to be less restrictive than full safety helmets and are known as ‘ bump caps ’ .
6 These areas are specifically set apart for retail outlets ( both large and small ) and are designed to be as convenient and pleasant as possible for both customer and retailers .
7 I am considered to be fairly outgoing but as a teenager I was painfully shy .
8 The court may require any property transferred as part of the transaction to be vested in the company , release any security given by the company , require ‘ any person ’ to make payments to the administrator or liquidator in respect of benefits received by him from the company , provide for a guarantor whose obligations have been discharged to be under revived obligations , provide for security to be given for the discharge of obligations imposed by the order and for the priority which such security shall have , and provide for the extent to which persons may be able to prove in the winding up .
9 Finally , Lowestoft members are reminded to be particularly polite to Marlene McGee , as she has been appointed to the Lowestoft bench of the Magistrates ' Court .
10 Much of the literature on women and education tends to make this kind of distinction , arguing both for greater equality of access for girls and for changes in what are claimed to be inherently sexist curricula and values put over in school .
11 Child-safe paint : We have n't found any paints that are claimed to be totally lead-free , but the safe ‘ nursery paints ’ are within the strict British and European limits for the amount of lead permitted in child-safe paints .
12 Controlled term indexing languages are claimed to be more consistent and therefore more efficient , but the many tests on indexing languages have failed to prove this convincingly .
13 Client versions of Windows NT are expected to be generally available by June 30 , although Microsoft chairman Bill Gates tendered a conservative 60-day timescale for introduction at the launch .
14 Client versions of Windows NT are expected to be generally available by June 30 , although Microsoft chairman Bill Gates tendered a conservative 60 day timescale for introduction at the launch .
15 If this view is held then it makes sense to borrow funds now at low rates to obviate the need for borrowing later , when funds are expected to be more expensive .
16 A further advantage of the new index investment trust is that dealings in its shares are expected to be more liquid than in the individual shares of many smaller companies .
17 Trans-splicing introns are expected to be very resistant to intron-loss , because the correct replacement of genomic copies of trans-spliced genes can not be achieved by simple homologous recombination and should therefore be extremely rare .
18 As in discourses of class , deviant subjects are expected to be less abstract and rational thinkers , and more emotional , sexual , and biologically determined .
19 Human beings are expected to be as mechanical as the musak .
20 In ten years time , more than 600 million people are expected to be severely undernourished .
21 The administration of additional inspired oxygen seemed to be of benefit ; in 15 patients with baseline hypoxaemia this would be expected as episodic desaturation has been reported to be more severe if baseline hypoxaemia is present .
22 Subsequently , they have been reported to be as effective as corticosteroids in treating patients with active Crohn 's disease , and one controlled , but non-randomised trial suggested that elemental diet was actually superior to corticosteroid treatment .
23 This ( majority ) section of the white population had been considered to be especially resistant to change , but analysts estimated that 62 per cent of Afrikaners participating voted " yes " ( compared with 79 per cent of the English-speakers ) .
24 1991 , 27 1006 ) , of course I approve of the purpose of the Control of Pesticide Regulations ( 1986 ) and COSHH regulations , but it is a ridiculous consequence of the regulations that chemists are deemed to be less well able than commercial fruit growers , for example , to understand that the chemicals involved ‘ have the capacity to be potentially lethal if wrongfully mixed , applied and handled ’ .
25 But if you are going round the bend and resist seeking any help you are deemed to be perfectly okay .
26 It was then necessary to determine the ’ neighbourhood size ’ around each word , i.e. the limit beyond which words are deemed to be too far apart to be considered as neighbours .
27 BBCBASIC(Z80) has been designed to be as compatible as possible with Version 4 of the 6502 BBC BASIC resident in the BBC Micro Master series .
28 The new 2–10 ml Finnpipette has been designed to be as simple to use as any standard volume instrument .
29 Not every author who has something to say on the subject of post-war sexual morality is included in the following discussion of each of the five categories , but rather those who are considered to be most representative of each genre are discussed .
30 We do n't know upon what he 's basing what he 's saying , whether it 's on his own particular memories of school , whether it 's been informed by , department of education officials in England , or Scottish education officials up here , and I think any up , any where somebody , something as crucial teachi , any job , er , where somebody who 's uninformed is making pronouncements which are considered to be sufficiently important that they 're read out on th , on the six o'clock news and in the papers
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